For the next two weeks, I’ll be in Nagpur, India meeting with my teammates there (here?) and planning ways for our work together to be smoother, more productive, and as free from frustration as work can be. At least, add free from frustrations as work that spans cultures and timezones can be.
The process leading up to the trip was daunting; this is probably the only time that being swamped has paid off in so tangible a way, as I didn’t have time to fret over the details. For the last six weeks, I’ve methodically plugged along performing tasks as they come up. Honestly, had we not used a travel service for the Visa application, I cannot imagine how I’d have gotten along. Poorly, I suspect.
The trip here was great. I’m traveling with one person from my office and two from our Milwaukee office, and all have proven to be excellent travel companions. That’s saying something, as I’m a considerable pain in the ass: I have no opinions on most details, but on those about which I do have an opinion, “strong” doesn’t even begin to cover it.
I’m not suffering from jet lag, however, I am suffering from the fact that I just don’t sleep well in hotels—actually, anywhere not my home to be more accurate. The first night, exhaustion from travel translated into about 7 continuous hours of sleep, but last night was more like 4. Today will be a long day, and I suspect I will feel it before the end. That’s okay, it appears that while Monster isn’t readily available, Red Bull is plentiful…so I’ll just dose up!
I’m looking forward to meeting the Nagpur team here shortly, and I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to write then.