Things I Said On Twitter in 2011
The year in review, in micro-blog form. Over 1600 tweets covering the year; nearly 4.5 tweets per day on average. This is mostly for my own reference, but, you might be bored enough to look at this as well. Who knows!
RT @robdelaney: Who wants to go to Coachella with me!!! Just kidding; I’d rather be raped & murdered.2011-01-27 03:33:58
Getting ready to purchase some last minute tickets to Chicago this weekend for the ChiCon meeting…so, prepare to be invaded, Chicago!2011-01-27 05:11:22
I have, with Benedryl and patience, trained myself up to six undrugged hours of sleep per night; but I just can’t make the leap to 7 or 8 :(2011-01-27 11:59:21
RT @atdt1991: @jer_ THE JIG IS UP: 15:52:27
Killing time before dinner and class (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 19:45:29
Dinner! (@ Capri Bakery w/ @jsabada) 21:17:04
It is ridiculously hot in this classroom. I am going to need pure caffeine top stay up…2011-01-27 23:28:49
I just got a hilarious mid-class care package from Jasper…Monster delivery to sleepy students! <32011-01-27 23:54:00
Courtesy of @AdryanaStahr, I must own this shirt… 00:28:29
Okay, I might be holding off on going home for a sec while I play a video game…2011-01-28 02:38:23
Checked in at the train station and waiting for my transport to Chicago. Now I want to watch the Blues Brothers enroute…2011-01-28 16:20:23
Balls! No business class available on the out-bound leg, so no outlets for the trip. Guess I won’t get much work done. :(2011-01-28 16:23:37
My first-world problem is solved. Even coach has outlets. What is that extra $12 for again?2011-01-28 17:06:11
VIVA LA RESISTANCE! RT @pilkro: @jer_ play a funny joke and tell them you’re hijacking the train to cuba.2011-01-28 17:16:31
About 30 more minutes to Union Station…almost to Chicago, y’all!2011-01-28 22:04:28
Enroute to Chicago. Obligatory Blues Brother quote. (@ Amtrak Wolverine Line) 22:15:59
RT @thinkgeek: Happy Data Privacy Day! Win an iPad by tweeting your SSN & birthdate with hashtag #omgjustkiddingdontdothat2011-01-28 22:23:18
Girl: “You look like a terrorist”
Me: “We prefer fear-enhancement specialists”
Girl: “I can’t tell if you’re serious”
Me: “We bank on that”2011-01-28 22:28:35 -
I am here…now to find Ogilve (@ Chicago Union Station w/ 13 others) 22:55:38
Coffee! (@ euro cafe) 23:04:11
I’m on the train all by myself like a big boy! (@ Metra Union Pacific West Line) 15:09:30
Made it back downtown without incident, now to cab up…2011-01-29 15:56:28
There had better be caffeine…this is my “sleep in” weekend2011-01-29 16:06:26
Meetings, meetings, meetings! (@ Hyatt Regency Chicago w/ @lverhulst) 17:42:43
Day of meeting is over, time for more meetings and dinner!2011-01-30 01:00:14
RT @BaDawnKDonk he claims the earrings hurt like a son of a bitch2011-01-30 05:12:30
The Marketing group meeting went very well…now to sleep some Benedryl sleep!2011-01-30 07:36:07
The Metra is, apparently, not choo-choo-choosing me today…so @BaDawnKDonk is now driving me downtown2011-01-30 15:21:56
Some more meeting time before the trip home… (@ Hyatt Regency Chicago) 16:37:16
Seriously, if you raise your hand and wave it about like a fucking jackass during a meeting, it had better not be to deliver a shitty joke.2011-01-30 17:19:33
I am currently on a train full of geriatrics while connected to a skype call through my phone…if coverage holds, I live in the future!2011-01-30 19:33:54
Train is delayed…no air for brakes…bad problem to have…no idea what time I get in now…2011-01-30 20:50:15
The wait continues. The dining area is two rows ahead…there’s a big person one row away…will cannibalism win?2011-01-30 21:09:59
Mother fucker! We are either waiting for a locomotive to arrive at 7, a tech at 7, or a bus. At least a 90 min wait at Niles left.2011-01-30 21:39:30
And now we’ll be taking busses the rest of the way… Not my day for mass transit2011-01-30 23:17:11
Okay, business class was worth the extra $12 for added room during this extended stop, but only old folks go business class apparently.2011-01-30 23:39:51
The downside to being the only person on this car under 60? The conversation sucks. The upside? I will be the last cannibal standing.2011-01-30 23:41:58
Ann Arbor/Jackson folks have been moved to a bus. Battle Creek folks are switching trains. Dearborn/Detroit is a mystery still. Yay!?2011-01-30 23:46:46
I had just declared myself leader of the car, then we got moved onto a bus. Conspiracy!2011-01-31 00:23:33
On a bus, have a cute seat-mate for the next three hours…my goal of being pants-less by 8 is back on the table! :p2011-01-31 00:46:45
Without a doubt, @galifianakisz’s lone wolf/blood brothers speech in the Hangover is genius!2011-01-31 01:44:18
Finally home! Now to spend some time with my wife…not nearly enough time though…2011-01-31 04:37:12
RT @Ellalthea I am a monkey.2011-01-31 16:26:56
Rofl RT @jer_isadick @Jer_ is a dick.2011-01-31 19:05:34
RT @robdelaney: Well behaved women rarely make history. But they better make a good chicken pot pie for dinner tonight – or else.2011-01-31 19:21:07
Omfg, I literally LOLed RT @jer_isadick @Jer_ is so fat, his Patronus is a birthday cake.2011-01-31 20:03:42
Bought some new work shirts today because they were badly needed…and I’ve been complemented more than once on the light green one so far.2011-01-31 23:23:54
Work done, and on my way home…the thermometer says 14, feels tons colder though, which is pretty rare for me.2011-02-01 02:44:32
RT @mpconlan: Set aside 3/19-3/20 for some MPCon. :). More soon.2011-02-01 12:02:18
RT @kc8nod: Offer up your prayers to Chuck Gadica because God has forsaken us. #snowmageddon2011-02-01 12:03:20
Google & Twitter intervene in the Twitter-less Egypt.. hopefully this helps them get the word out!2011-02-01 12:08:02
Just finished taxes…give some, take some…well, mostly take some I suppose…2011-02-02 02:37:13
RT @nuxi: “Right now snow is doing more to prevent airline terorrism in the US than the TSA ever has.” -@d4rkfx2011-02-02 03:03:57
RT @SethMacFarlane: Why would someone put “Life Coach” on his business card when “Tool” takes so much less space?2011-02-02 03:15:47
Okay, just found family member’s new gf on FB. Want to friend her with the greeting “Hello, sister-in-law-to-be!”….Ger says no. Thoughts?2011-02-02 03:36:19
Snowmageddon, Snowpocalypse, Snowtastrophe, or Snomg…no matter what the name, this emergency was disappointing #SnowrectileDysfunction2011-02-02 15:00:48
Oh, and it appears that I’m getting sick…good times. Sore throat? Check. Clogged sinuses? Check. Starting to get whiny? Check!2011-02-02 15:31:19
Sorry folks, after watching Syracuse’s big blizzard in the mid 90s, puny sub-20″ falls don’t compete with 40″+ falls2011-02-02 17:35:35
I won’t say I cried while watching this, but I did inexplicably get dust in both my eyes…coincidentally 18:01:08
I kind of wish I used my snow day more productively…but a mental health day wasn’t such a bad idea either…2011-02-03 03:02:46
Is there anyone that follows me that has photos taken on top of the abandoned train station? Preferably of the graffiti?2011-02-03 21:27:45
If I’m going to keep doing classes at night, I’m going to need to caffeinate better…2011-02-04 00:44:01
Throat hurts…surviving on tea and soup today…unhappy! Lacking prepositions…2011-02-04 14:15:32
RT @Sheryl67: Party Reminder… Tomorrow night at the Troy Marriot, Confusion’s Hand-Off Party. Come eat, drink, & meet the new (old) Co …2011-02-04 15:39:39
RT @kellyoxford: It’s fun living in a world where Charlie Sheen’s hooker gets on TV a dozen times, but we can’t say ‘vagina’ in a tampon …2011-02-05 01:05:23
Thought I was feeling somewhat better, then I drove downriver to get Cody…and I’m not feeling better at all. A shut-in tonight!2011-02-05 01:35:50
Don’t forget that today is the day of the ConFusion hand-off meeting and party. 6-11pm, Troy Marriott, food and booze provided!2011-02-05 16:18:20
FInished hashing out the books for ConFusion and 2011 is done. Now for the next con.2011-02-05 16:25:22
Concierge lounge (12th fl) RT @Stareagle @jer_ where is the party? I mean, I know it at the Marriott, but where?2011-02-05 16:51:55
I now have a sheet of paper indicating a degree! (special thanks to mom- and dad-in-law for the awesome frame)2011-02-05 17:18:18
On my way to the hotel to set up and pay the bill from the con!2011-02-05 19:01:05
Party time! (@ Detroit Marriott Troy) 23:05:53
RT @RandyTheRandom: I wish Sir Retweety would shut up about throwing a party and leave it to someone competent.2011-02-06 02:48:07
The hand-off meeting/party went off brilliantly. Thanks to the 20+ of you that braved the weather to hang out with us! <32011-02-06 05:09:49
Oh shit, today is the day of your big football match, isn’t it? Twitter should be almost unbearable then, I’m guessing.2011-02-06 13:23:29
I believe that there are no sacred cows, so this disgusts me. Fuck you if you mark things off limits for humor. 13:51:20
Omg want! RT @jzb Most wanted browser feature: An icon that indicates which window/tab is playing sound…2011-02-06 18:13:31
Mmmmmmac & Cheese! (@ Panera Bread) 19:19:02
RT @xek: “Bush cancels Swiss visit over fears of arrest” (re: authorization of torture). It’s a tiny victory, but sa …2011-02-06 21:08:39
Okay, seriously, I hate when people play politics while claiming that they’re the victim of politics. *sigh*2011-02-06 22:52:08
Going full stripper is way worse for your career than going full retard!2011-02-07 00:33:10
New favorite hobby: ruining carefully crafted political sniping with blunt, honest, clear responses. Enough allegation, time for solutions.2011-02-07 00:50:52
Wait, did I seriously understand correctly that Fergie and Slash did “Sweet Child o’ Mine” at halftime? I should have watched that!2011-02-07 01:28:45
Okay, the Eminem ad for Chrysler and Detroit…fantastic. I’ll probably be rolling to bed soon, but that was worth catching.2011-02-07 02:14:36
Heating about it caused the same in me RT @paolobacigalupi Confession: Watching the Puppy Bowl made me want to ram a pencil into my eye.2011-02-07 03:55:00
Does anybody have an Apple bluetooth keyboard I can try with my phone?2011-02-07 15:13:18
RT @ferretthimself: I’m not a fan of the ternary conditional. I should be; it’s compact. But it’s just not the way I was raised, man.2011-02-07 18:29:46
Ugh, in the Windows partition to work with some Visio files. Painfully foreign to me now. :(2011-02-07 19:43:07
Just had a student I help refer to me as her “life coach”… I’m pretty much done helping her now and I feel a bit dirty… Ewwww2011-02-07 21:31:59
Oh, shit..if someone has the first season of Matt Smith as Doctor Who, I need it asap! Study material for a panel.2011-02-07 21:38:06
Ubuntu 10.10…way faster, infinitely less stable… I guess spring break will find me rolling back to 10.042011-02-07 22:43:49
Sweet, the Apple Bluetooth wireless keyboard works brilliantly with the Galaxy S running Froyo. This + HDMI cable = lappy replacement!2011-02-08 22:10:07
There are still rooms available at the Troy Marriott for Penguicon; just not today! 14:35:02
Introducing my wife to the greatness that is the original Karate Kid! Pat Morita was awesome!2011-02-09 17:44:12
Heh my dick-ness is now legend! RT @scalzi @RandyTheRandom I managed to put “Jer’s a dick” into the latest novel. Made it make sense, even!2011-02-09 20:22:21
RT @CapriciousGoat: New blog post: Food drive at Capricon 20:22:31
Hello downriver, goodbye downriver! Driving day!2011-02-09 22:33:05
We’ve been meaning to try it…let’s see if it’s worth the price… (@ Blufin Sushi w/ 2 others) 22:58:46
Everytime I think I’ve seen the limit of conservative asshattery, they find new depths: (courtesy of @geekable)2011-02-09 23:11:18
The sushi was great, the miso & tea were alright, the service was decent…but the prices were pretty high. Maybe on an expense account!2011-02-09 23:46:41
Party supply shopping! (@ Costco) 00:22:32
Time to do some Boiler Room style cold-calls for the UPE…at least it’s warm!2011-02-10 19:33:49
Dinner time…gonna be late to class! (@ Buffalo Wild Wings) 22:30:15
Sometimes I sit in class and think “Yeah, I got this.” Today, I want to curl up in the fetal position and whimper til the bad slides stop!2011-02-11 00:16:28
Seriously, I have to do much driving tomorrow…sleep would be nice!2011-02-11 06:14:55
RT @17731773 11:17:42
And @BaDawnKDonk’s birthday! RT @Penguicon Join us and @ConFusion tonight and tomorrow night at Cap for parties with hats (and llamas)!2011-02-11 11:43:17
Hello, Capricon! Just in time for my 1pm panel… (@ Westin Chicago North Shore) 18:25:45
I hate this panel so much… I’d leave but I’m on it…folks…don’t push the humor, it doesn’t work!2011-02-11 20:18:51
I just got a sneak preview of the “Jer is a dick” mention @scalzi worked into an upcoming book. Brilliantly included, and I loled.#Capricon2011-02-12 00:23:23
Currently enjoying @BaDawnKDonk’s birthday party, replete with under-cooked faces, a meat dragon, and boat nectar!2011-02-12 03:40:16
Favorite tweet of the day…heh :) Need photos of the pinata destruction! RT @digitaldawn I’m geeking. @scalzi is at my birthday party2011-02-12 05:32:38
Raw faces are just gross! Dawn’s birthday, however, is not… 05:37:17
Alright…time to shower and find breakfast before I clean the aftermath of the party…2011-02-12 16:11:38
The suite is cleaned sufficiently that I think housekeeping will be willing to finish the job…now for foods!2011-02-12 16:52:22
Blast, just missed the breakfast bar… (@ Tramanto’s Steak & Seafood) 17:08:25
Excellent party has finally come to a close…now I need some sleep! No rest for the wicked…2011-02-13 11:25:09
Make no mistake, there was an incident! It was hilarious! RT @carollelogram There may have been an incident with a lamp. And my face…2011-02-13 18:46:07
Back from Chicago…fantastic weekend with great friends, great parties, and a fun con. I do, however, seem to have left my voice behind!2011-02-14 02:36:30
Okay, I don’t know who though it was cute to entirely full my lungs with phlegm, but…umm…knock it off!2011-02-14 13:54:26
Hrmm, it appears that my Twitter updates are no longer going to Facebook…so Facebook shall be boring until it is fixed…2011-02-14 14:08:58
About to take a huge, irreversible step…2011-02-14 16:20:01
Just a test…hopefully this lands on Facebook shortly…2011-02-14 20:00:24
Big step revealed: this is me as of about 130pm today. Happy Valentine’s Day to my lovely wife! 20:05:39
Okay, time to see how much of this class I can teach with a rapidly dwindling voice… Could be an early night!2011-02-14 23:23:08
Yeah, my voice didn’t last long at all… :(2011-02-15 01:29:25
Oh my god, I wish I had video taped Amber’s facial expression when she saw the new do!2011-02-15 01:59:14
Time to determine if my voice will last through an entire lecture or if it goes out early again…2011-02-15 18:06:41
Just set up for a trip to PAX East. Weekend passes are gone. Hotels are pricey. Trip is long!2011-02-15 19:35:01
Okay, I’m officially in love with my phone all over again. I am currently using a bluetooth keyboard and mouse with it. <32011-02-15 20:39:42
Meetings? Why not! (@ The Met Hotel (former Troy Hilton)) 15:37:50
Had a great meeting at the Met…now for lunch-ish foods!2011-02-16 17:00:46
Brunch (sorta) (@ Recipes Restaurant) 17:38:10
While I’m in the neighborhood! (@ Marriott) 19:44:03
So far, adjectives from today for my new look include “hot”, “cute”, and “kissable”. (I’ve taken no one up on the last, thus far)2011-02-16 20:23:30
Holy shit, I’m so fat I’m ruining the world! 02:28:29
It must be Thursday, because I am sitting in a room that is 1000 degrees F without a clue what is happening! Sadly, this is my idea of fun!2011-02-17 23:20:12
My message to Jason (you are a member of a set of not geniuses)2011-02-18 00:35:19
Alright…on Words with Friends as tehjer_ so find me!2011-02-18 04:54:03
Bored. Wife’s at work until late. Can’t stare at a computer screen anymore today. Only thing left is dropping my daughter downriver. Ideas?2011-02-18 22:22:41
I have officially resigned from Chicon 7. :( A brief explanation… 23:27:51
Oops… I’m a dick for going public despite carefully not going public… next time I’ll say fuck diplomacy and bare my soul. #jerisadick2011-02-19 00:34:09
Ouch..super over did it yesterday. My throat is killing me and my voice is shot again. Nyquil and sleep to the rescue?2011-02-19 13:09:28
“Whale”, “zaftig”, and “pigout” in one Words with Friends game… I think I’m being called fat!2011-02-19 14:52:24
Nap has done almost nothing to this illness. Productive day is becoming way less productive… :(2011-02-19 17:56:46
RT @pattonoswalt: Man, I hope the Tea Partiers that the billionaire Koch Bros. are busing to WI put these fat-cat public schoolteachers …2011-02-19 22:53:11
Nyquil, is kicking my ass…early night tonight!2011-02-20 05:01:02
A thought: When making a request, consider that leading with a threat is a pretty nuclear option…especially when it bears no weight. Xoxo2011-02-21 03:50:16
My trip home took only about 15 minutes longer than normal. That said, I’m grateful I had snow not ice to fight!2011-02-21 04:38:11
RT @17731773 Dear whores of the internet: 14:28:59
HFCC and U of M-D are closed, which means effective this week, one of my classes is dreadfully behind!2011-02-21 14:32:14
Lmao! It IS me! RT @Cylithria Does anyone else see that this little logo guy looks like @Jer_? #Penguicon 20:21:37
Sometimes I post things and forget my reach. My most recent blog entry has gotten more hits per day than I expected it to get total…oops.2011-02-22 01:41:37
I haven’t been able to confirm this 100%, but it seems that one of my best friends through early recovery died last night. :( RIP Beef2011-02-22 02:20:06
I ran out of my normal water supply a week ago. Since then, I have consumed only Monster and water/tea at restaurants. #dehydrated2011-02-22 03:19:29
Okay, boys and girls, if you know that winter is coming, put tires on your cars. I’ve been stuck behind 3 tools with bald tires today! Hate!2011-02-22 13:56:50
Midterms tomorrow and Thursday. I am not going to enjoy this week much.2011-02-22 21:41:28
Proud to be an American RT @kellyoxford AMERICA: Fund Planned Parenthood? NO. Fund PBS? NO. Fund Nascar? OH HEEEEELLLL YES! SHAKE AND BAKE!2011-02-23 01:28:40
“I’m busy, I’ll let you know when I’m not” is a clever code that means I’m busy, but I’ll let you know when I’m not. Act accordingly.2011-02-23 03:56:32
Favorite whine of the day: I didn’t bother to help when you had time, but I want to now, so be available NOW! #VioletBeauregarde2011-02-23 04:06:28
One of my favorite gifts from @ConfusionMI, the Jer Bear! from @7heBigBadWolf, @Abington42, & @Rivergirl27amc2011-02-23 15:36:55
UPS, if merely giving you my tracking number is insufficient to track a package, I’ll go to Fedex from now on. No more logins. #badUI2011-02-23 16:35:20
Seriously, @TweetDeck, 140 characters are enough. How do I turn off 17:44:22
Among things that bother my normally unbotherable personality, catching shit from friends because I’m busy is my least favorite… :(2011-02-23 19:06:25
I’m just gonna say…tonight’s midterm SEEMS super easy. Which only leaves me more scared. I am gonna fail my ass off here!!!2011-02-23 19:35:05
Lmao, it’s a skill! :) RT @lukejduncan Somehow @Jer_ manages to look like a nerd in a graduate computer science course.2011-02-23 23:16:04
Just finished a midterm that involved writing nonstop for 2.5 hours. Only three out of 20+ finished.2011-02-24 02:02:06
Finally wapping up for the night…4 hours of sleep coming, then back to it. Sorry I’m not using the next 4 hours more productively!2011-02-24 08:12:34
(Lest there be confusion, I’m not really sorry about taking a sleep break. I’m mocking members of the crowd that thinks I should be :)2011-02-24 08:33:45
I’m sure I’ll soon get bored with pointing out the obvious busyness I have going on…until then, bear with me while I amuse myself. :)2011-02-24 09:02:02
Dinner with wifey and Blake! (@ Kabuki Sushi) 21:20:40
Well, today’s midterm was way less writing, and I’m way less confident in it…:(2011-02-25 01:43:28
RT @justbeast: This cracks me the hell up: Why PHP is better than Ruby (see also first …2011-02-25 16:23:02
James doesn’t know how to read. Bad Starbucks manager! (@ Starbucks w/ @brandonblott) 03:01:44
I may our may not have just been hosed down with whipped cream. Happy birthday, @BrandonBlott! Video to follow later.2011-02-26 03:59:39
RT @kellyoxford: Can’t wait to hear the collective gasp when everyone finds out Banksy is a girl.2011-02-26 05:24:41
Wish I could make all of the hurts from friends and family go away for them…even if for just a night. :( Hate seeing people hurt.2011-02-26 10:08:47
Lol, who the fuck is Scott Klimek and why is he some self-entitled 8 year old pretending to swing big dick? Lol2011-02-26 15:38:17
For my con-running friends..a fun conversation: 15:45:12
Rofl! RT @Limeyone885 Now I want a badge checkpoint at the hotel entrance before reg… I’m sorry no badge no entry…2011-02-26 18:22:12
Okay, I’m giving up on productivity today. It’s just not happening. Nothing, tech wise, it playing well. Done!2011-02-26 20:25:53
Omg..Davroz is my new hero. Please, please read his lunatic rant!! I heart that so much. Everyone should ghost a con if it brings this joy!2011-02-26 20:38:44
For those that missed it, the always delightful Davroz’s take on today’s festivities! 22:31:38
Great time with friends tonight…now off to bed. Here’s going tomorrow’s work is more productive than today’s.2011-02-27 09:12:40
I literally teared up… RT @hackernewsbot I Don’t Want to be a Teacher Any More… 15:46:27
Today was radically more productive than yesterday…much done, and new layouts should be up on the wiki tomorrow!2011-02-27 21:59:32
Well played, EBay! I created an account to buy something, but you can only buy things if you have a buying history, it seems. Clever, eh?2011-02-28 15:03:41
QOTD: “It’s a trust issue, and at the moment, the largest internet auction house does not trust Jer Lance. I feign surprise.” –Blake2011-02-28 15:31:04
So, so very true! RT @justbeast So often, what looks like laziness is actually exhaustion.2011-03-01 03:48:24
RT @meyerweb: When giving directions to small children, the ability to think like a programmer is a decided advantage.2011-03-01 03:52:03
Long frigging day. Everything over 12 hours feels long anymore; used to take 14 to really drain me. I’m getting old :( #displeased #cranky2011-03-01 04:08:14
Ho-ly-shit RT @kellyoxford WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY SON? 04:39:04 -
Charlie Sheen talking about his drug use…really, really hard to watch. Just had a friend OD, I think Charlie’s next 12:04:52
RT @robdelaney: It would be fun to evacuate my bowels onto the monsters giving Charlie Sheen airtime under the guise of “news.”2011-03-01 23:46:25
Clerks time! I heart this movie!2011-03-02 00:15:23
“I’m a firm believer in a ruling class, especially since I rule” … Now time for Clerks 2! @KevinSmith’s birthday present to me!2011-03-02 01:54:08
Oh awake-ness…why?2011-03-02 12:47:24
Clerk at gas station: so super cheerful it hurts, but telling every customer “Eat me, have a nice day” so quick you barely catch it. #hero2011-03-02 14:56:49
Swedish meatballs and furniture (@ IKEA w/ 2 others) 18:09:21
I thought of @coryskelly: RT @robdelaney When I see a pretty lady with a little bit of a pot–belly, I get what doctors call a “superboner”.2011-03-02 22:54:11
Holy shit, I just found out I was selected as a 2011 U of M D Difference Maker. I’m pretty sure that means I’m good at math or something.2011-03-03 00:52:25
If I understand this correctly, gays are all perverts right, christians? #99ProblemsButAChurchAintOne2011-03-03 01:29:17
Dear AGW enthusiasts: if you stop calling all of those that remain on the fence “deniers” we’ll stop calling you “crazed chicken littles”2011-03-03 15:43:10
No wonder I keep missing the U of M Bloggers’ posts in my feed, I forgot that every year I have to change the addresses! 17:54:16
It’s 2011. If you still consider sexual orientation a choice, your ignorance prevents real communication with me on the subject. *shrug*2011-03-03 18:42:06
RT @danecook: If everyone believed in you, rooted for you, and cheered you on… you would never have to win.2011-03-03 19:31:58
The mind won’t shut off, but the eyes are burning for sleep…I really hope my eyes win this time…2011-03-04 05:23:24
Turns out, my eyes are not winning…ugh!2011-03-04 06:31:29
I don’t care how you cut it, I don’t care who’s doing it, this is torture: 16:21:48
Truth! RT @AsetIsis: @jer_ As near as I can tell the main argument for what we did not being torture is, we did it, not good enough for me2011-03-05 16:28:35
Okay, note to self…if you want to weed out spammers, say “iPad” in a tweet. 30 seconds, 9 spammers. Nice.2011-03-05 16:31:43
.@MayaJurkovich94 May you be lit on fire, stabbed out with a screwdriver, and fucked in each new hole by a huge fucking bear.2011-03-05 16:32:48
Okay, Android, how can you NOT open OpenOffice/LibreOffice files yet? Seriously?2011-03-05 16:54:48
Okay, I’m way done with grading for a while. Once class, at least, is 99.9% done! Now, do I do other work, or play a game? :)2011-03-05 18:25:27
Anybody who is named James, in Florida, over 6′ tall, who has driven my car…claim these naked pics of my wife. Deadline 11:59pm tonight!2011-03-05 18:29:13
Okay, a bit more work, but then, some Monday Night Combat!2011-03-05 18:45:17
Today’s work: done…time for Monday Night Combat!2011-03-05 22:50:41
After an hour of install and patch, Monday Night Combat wrong run on my home pc. Annoyed jer is annoyed…2011-03-05 23:37:12
RT @TWlTTERWHALE: Twitter Profile Views app is hacking accounts. Please Retweet to warn other users. Thanks.2011-03-05 23:45:21
I approve of the game Tsuro! That was a lot of fun…2011-03-06 01:33:23
Had a great time at Todd’s place…time for bed now, though :)2011-03-06 07:04:17
Extremism on either end amuses me. Today, it’s the people who are the liberal opposite of libertarians. The “capitalism is evil” kids. Lol2011-03-06 16:22:41
Clarification: pure capitalism and pure socialism are both equally terrible non-solutions to a real problem. Advice otherwise is a lie.2011-03-06 16:47:18
Demonizing either capitalism or socialism, then, teaches us to ignore a necessary piece of a puzzle, without which there is no solution.2011-03-06 16:49:01
Watching Paranormal Activity with the wife :) This should go well…heh2011-03-06 23:54:39
Ger is now asleep…having a really hard time not acting out Paranormal Activity on her…2011-03-07 03:25:55
That looks so frigging awesome! Can’t wait! RT @RumblyPlacenta: Omg almost done! 14:50:38
There is no day that can’t be improved by Mark Knopfler and Eric Clapton playing guitar together: 15:12:56
Ugh, I hate questions like “In 500 characters, what drives you?” … Boobies, that’s what drives me..boobies.2011-03-07 16:57:18
Okay, I need a proofer or two to read 5 mini essay responses for grammar, style, and non-cheeseball-ness. Bring your insulin!2011-03-07 18:40:03
QOTD: “I always thought growing up was something that just happened when you got older, but it’s something you have to choose to do.” –JD2011-03-07 19:58:18
(For those keeping score at home, I have chosen *not* to.)2011-03-07 19:58:59
Balls…jeep is going to cost a TON. I guess now is as good a time as any to drop over a grand into the vehicle :(2011-03-07 20:26:42
The Oatmeal has never been righter! RT @Oatmeal: Dear Sriracha Rooster Sauce 20:41:04
Wow, some cunt just compared the word cunt to a racist slur…keep it classy @OpheliaRising, you racist cunt.2011-03-08 02:45:15
Truth! RT @Jesus_M_Christ Apparently you won’t believe anything in the Bible, but you’ll believe everything in a shitty book by Dan Brown.2011-03-08 02:49:27
Good morning, excruciating heartburn! You’re fun, aren’t you…2011-03-08 09:23:19
“Always, I want to be with you…and make believe with you…” Between Ger playing Robot Unicorn and Erasure on scrubs last night…GAH!2011-03-08 16:29:59
Foods! (@ Buffalo Wild Wings) 21:52:35
This was left by me on the meal receipt. Courtesy of @jsabada 22:36:16
Time for some Monday Night Combat (on Tuesday)… (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 23:25:31
Ditto! RT @Ellalthea I want to play dungeons and dragons.2011-03-10 01:36:22
In a car on the way to Boston and #PAX!2011-03-10 12:53:19
PA, I’m in you Amish-style! (With six fingers and a horse, no electronic devices though)2011-03-10 17:46:19
Hello, NY, I understand I <3 you?2011-03-10 18:05:27
Where should I eat in Buffalo, NY? (pref near I90)2011-03-10 18:27:16
Lunch time! As recommended by Twitter folks…. (@ Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill) 19:08:50
RT @AaronThul: We are in the process of collecting panels for #PENGUICON 2011.
Please send your ideas to programming@penguicon.org2011-03-10 19:09:50 -
I realized only a few hours ago that this trip will take me within miles of where I grew up…how did I not notice before?2011-03-10 19:11:39
Thank you ask for the food suggestions… The BBQ was awesome2011-03-10 19:58:29
Five more hours…ish? (@ Port Byron Travel Plaza w/ 2 others) 21:47:25
Turns out, with no leaves on the trees, I can see my parents’ house from the thruway… Hi mom and dad…bye mom and dad!2011-03-10 22:24:36
Massachusetts, I am *wicked* in you…and so ready to be out of the car, it’s retaaaded!2011-03-11 01:00:10
Finally here, time to find food! (@ Boston Marriott Copley Place) 03:43:22
Food found! Expensive, expensive food. This is where the trendy, snooty girls hang! (@ Champions Sports Bar) 03:52:03
Miles: 768, Stops: 6, Repetitions of “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” to get it stuck in Blake’s head: 7 or so… Good trip!2011-03-11 04:03:04
Which circle of hell is this? Copley Place from 32 stories… 11:07:37
Waiting for the shuttle to #PAX!2011-03-11 12:52:11
The shuttle was *not* happening, but this nice cabbie said he can get us there! Hoping to get a good spot in line for the keynote… #pax2011-03-11 13:13:20
Blake looking dashing in his Plants vs Zombies hat… 13:33:02
RT @40goingon28: I’m way more scared of Republican congressmen than Muslims.2011-03-11 14:11:18
Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and say it…this line is like my day’s Japanese tsunami…but with nerd stench #pax2011-03-11 14:30:52
There are far more attractive women here than I’d have guessed…and far fewer attractive men… #pax2011-03-11 14:41:04
I am sitting two chairs from someone dressed as Ramona from Scott Pilgrim… I am in love! #pax2011-03-11 15:51:50
Wow! @Sheryl67 was just on the big screen during the keynote at #pax! @avantgame showed a pic of the death-ray she was given at @penguicon!2011-03-11 15:58:41
I can’t listen to @avantgame speak for more than five minutes without wanting to play a bunch of games then go and repair the world! #pax2011-03-11 16:17:05
Amazing, amazing, amazing keynote by @avantgame at #pax! A great follow-up to @wilw’s from last year. Thank you for the inspiration, Jane!2011-03-11 16:48:03
So far, #pax is a blast…tons of walking, not enough caffeine, but a blast!2011-03-11 19:39:28
Having fun in Boston, but missing all of my favorite ladies… :( I need #pax to move nearer home…2011-03-12 04:00:51
Breakfast time…some calories to get me through the day! (@ Champions Sports Bar) 13:09:14
Hrmm…did my Twitter to Facebook link start working again?2011-03-12 13:13:46
Breakfast over, waiting for Blake over some coffee, then back to #pax…2011-03-12 13:50:28
Waiting in line to watch Tycho and Gabe draw a comic…much better position in line today. Already I hate lines…2011-03-12 14:27:24
Minute 15 of my harrowing wait in line. Hunger gnawing, thirst grows…exhaustion overtakes me in 27ft waves… #pax2011-03-12 14:44:06
As minutes turn into half-hours, I am radiating impatience. That said, I’m almost glowing with excitement! So hungry… #pax2011-03-12 14:58:34
Finally, my interminable wait comes to an end; but I fear that the aftershocks of this ordeal will rattle me for the rest of the day…#pax2011-03-12 15:27:01
This is for my wife: Mike draws a MLP into the current strip… #pax 16:40:18
Having a great time playing a D&D 4 adventure! #pax2011-03-12 19:18:16
Done with #pax for the day…rest time for a bit…then we start again tomorrow…plus 13 hours of travel!2011-03-13 00:40:37
On our east back from #pax east…the trip back always sucks more, so I expect this to be un-fun…2011-03-13 17:42:38
Goodbye Massachusetts, hello NY…only like, a billion more miles to go…are we there yet? What about now?2011-03-13 19:11:52
New York has never felt so wide, but we made it! Hello PA, briefly…2011-03-14 01:45:28
Hi Elyria…*wave*2011-03-14 03:50:43
Goodbye, OH, we are back in Michigan…now to drop everyone off and get some sleep!2011-03-14 05:14:48
Home, back cuddled with Ger, and all is right with the world. I had a great time, but next time, I think I need my wife with me…2011-03-14 07:00:47
Lunch with my baby…then off to work and catch-up! (@ Redford Grill) 17:46:33
Ahhh conventions, where literally every single person who does *anything* finds it deserving of free admission. Sigh. We are all special!2011-03-15 11:31:49
Holy shit, people, if you try to SMS or Facebook me about official business, you will definitely be ignored…use email!2011-03-16 02:55:51
RT @Penguicon: ConCom meeting reminder: March 20 @ 1 pm at the Troy Marriott2011-03-16 04:12:25
Bah! How can my grades for my midterms not be up yet? It’s been weeks!2011-03-16 04:18:46
RT @GeorgeTakei: Tomorrow I’m going to violate Leviticus by wearing a cotton/polyester blend. #CherryPickingSins2011-03-16 17:11:50
I suck at food. I microwave a Lean Pocket. Two hours later, I’m starving. It seems I never ATE the food. Yum. Cold Lean Pocket.2011-03-16 19:13:47
Turns out, re-microwaving Lean Pockets makes them bricks. You will pay! RT @tjagoda: @jer_ if you re-microwave those…they get warm again..2011-03-16 19:23:34
If @twitter ends up making it so I can’t use third party apps, I’ll be ‘jer’ on!2011-03-16 22:02:49
Siam Spice *Me*! (@ Siam Spicy) 22:47:48
RT @nadams5755: Happy Thursday. I hope you all have to get up early tomorrow.2011-03-17 16:16:28
Just got word back on one of my exams…100% plus a bonus 5% toward my final! This is a happy Jer!2011-03-17 16:17:23
Watching @theoatmeal be awesome… (@ U-M Student Activities Building) 21:53:25
Wow, this is truly my day! The other midterm I got a 91 on. I mean, it’s no 100, but it’s still an A!! Now I should start the projects!2011-03-17 22:40:35
Oh, general note: Reading someone’s phone over their shoulder is creepy, and I guarantee you it will get you elbowed in the face soon!2011-03-17 22:47:18
Accepted! RT @RandyTheRandom: I challenge @jer_ to a Wii Just Dance “Hot and Cold” dance-off at the April 2nd AASFA Spring Voting Meeting.2011-03-17 23:08:14
Monday Night Combat (on Thursday) (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 02:36:05
2 people on a lease. 1 moves out but refuses to sign off lease, so other can’t stay and can’t break lease even by posting etf. Options?2011-03-18 12:42:04
RT @Penguicon: For those of you who wonder how room assignments are made, wonder no more! 17:15:13
Welcoming the new initiates to the UPE (@ BD’s Mongolian Grill) 22:43:56
Ger’s work thing/96.3 WDVD’s shindig.. (@ Tin Fish w/ 2 others) 02:04:24
I’m now told that WDVD is 96.3 not 96.9…oops2011-03-19 02:22:25
“Jesse’s Girl” with a serious dance beat? I could have lived the rest of my life without having heard that…2011-03-19 02:47:32
Lady Gaga just came on, and Ger became the drill sergeant of the dance floor, ordering everyone out to dance…heh..she might be drunk…2011-03-19 03:07:05
There are still some seats left for today’s MPCon LAN Party in Ann Arbor…$15 at the door includes pizza dinner. Be there!2011-03-19 13:57:07
Oh how I hate reading research papers…SO…FRICKIN’…DRY! Is that a rule? Must lack writing style? Must be dull?2011-03-19 14:26:24
The season’s first Jehovah’s Witnesses just came to my door. I was pleasant…as I’ll remain so long as they are infrequent.2011-03-19 14:30:01
RT @UofMD_Jer: Only a week late, I have embloggened! Enjoy my views on the difference between a bachelor’s and master’s degree: http://j …2011-03-19 15:41:37
MPCon! (@ Pierpont Commons) 16:50:46
Just played the chorus to “Friday” (Rebecca Black) over the PA at MPCon… #biWinning2011-03-19 18:32:40
Balls! Why can I never find my long runs of cat5e when I need them!?2011-03-19 21:05:06
Happy Birthday @jsabada (@ Biergarten) 01:44:00
RT @BaDawnKDonk The next person I see use the word “bestie” is getting beaten with a length of garden hose.2011-03-20 02:09:22
RT @megcabot: Went to a dinner party and while I was gone, everyone bombed Libya.2011-03-20 02:17:58
Had a great time celebrating @jsabada’s birthday! There are some truly drunk folks doing karaoke tonight! :)2011-03-20 03:52:08
Geralyn has no idea where she is… (@ Leon’s) 14:30:16
I just ousted Jim N. as the mayor of Leon’s on @foursquare! 14:30:16
Penguicon meetings! (@ Marriott w/ @waldo323) 17:07:29
RT @7heBigBadWolf: BALLS TO YOU!2011-03-20 23:47:24
Okay, LibreOffice, let’s see what you have. Please don’t be the pile of crap OpenOffice has been feeling like lately.2011-03-21 00:16:52
Seriously…I’m so irritated… :( RT @stormgren78 T-mobile subscribers: I’m sorry.2011-03-21 03:19:57
LibreOffice is nice… snappy, tables work well…so far so good…2011-03-21 03:36:13
Holy crap! “Wise Man’s Fear” by @ConFusionMI’s 2012 GoH Patrick Rothfuss is the #1 NY Times best seller! 07:26:35
Gah! Must refrain from individually correcting each and every incorrect person in a message thread. *sigh* Gonna be one of those days.2011-03-21 16:27:28
Sexism is the new Godwin. As the length of a discussion thread grows, the probability of a claim of sexism reaches statistical certainty.2011-03-21 16:45:55
Seconds after I explain that getting out one’s phone is worth a zero on the exam, a student does so. #LosingIt2011-03-21 22:56:16
Everyone needs admire my continual restraint today. The latest: not telling @StevenPiziks how laughably full of himself he is.2011-03-21 23:31:48
(Ooops, I guess I lose all of my restraint points for that round. At least I didn’t tell him what a joke he’s made of his name at cons.)2011-03-21 23:32:28
((Oops, is this thing public? My bad.))2011-03-21 23:32:50
I’m puzzled when people grasp the concept of a GoH, but can’t grasp the nearly identical concept of Nifty guest…they’re very similar!2011-03-22 02:43:53
RT @michaelianblack ATTENTION AMERICA: Please RT!!! #tacoparty #mib4tb2011-03-22 04:10:11
RT @Penguicon: This Saturday, March 26th there will be a SMOS dinner at the Castle Bradaki ( Things start at 5!2011-03-22 11:48:45
If you ask me a question, then interrupt me as I start to answer, you can be assured that there is olympic levels of sarcasm on the way…2011-03-22 13:34:51
LibreOffice was fine on my XP partition…time to replace OpenOffice with it on my Ubuntu partition *crosses fingers*2011-03-22 14:39:00
The next game I buy will now be @DragonAge, and I will go out of my way to buy Bioware games. (Here’s why)2011-03-22 15:14:35
Sonofabitch. I hate when I’m retweeted and I see that I made a grammatical mistake in my original post. BALLS!2011-03-22 15:15:20
I use Sharpies and a digital overhead to lecture…I also suck at putting the caps back on apparently: 18:39:58
I’m at University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab (4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn) 19:05:14
Heh…some crazy cunt is impersonating the Stilyagi/AASFA/ConFusion group on Facebook. *Sigh*2011-03-22 20:59:26
Grocery time! (@ Costco) 22:17:10
Picking up some dinner for the family! (@ New York Sushi) 22:18:50
“We can never find food sponsors”…”Here’s free food”…”I don’t know, I might be too busy to handle free food”…mull that over for a bit.2011-03-23 00:57:17
Rocking some Monday Night Combat!2011-03-23 01:30:14
I’m at University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab (4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn) 22:35:09
What? More food? (@ Buffalo Wild Wings w/ @jsabada) 00:10:22
I’m starving, under caffeinated, and I have a ton to do. Not an awesome day right now…2011-03-24 17:15:54
Wife just reminded me that she loves me…my day is looking up considerably! Still need to find food though…2011-03-24 18:34:03
Time to get some work done…trying not to game! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 19:53:31
I seriously need a new bluetooth usb adapter for my lappy. This one is about done. That or a linux compatible wifi/usb lappy module! *wish*2011-03-24 19:56:49
You cannot imagine what a first-world problem I find complaints about double-spaces following periods. Seriously, find a real complaint! :P2011-03-24 19:57:48
I’m going to change the code on my CMS to ensure all periods are followed by two spaces, hopefully giving seizures to a subset of ‘readers’.2011-03-24 21:04:44
I am pretty much as prepared for this presentation as I’m going to be…wish me luck! (bleh, who am I kidding, it’s talking…my one skill)2011-03-24 22:09:34
I have decided that the noun for a group of whiners is an “irritant”…as in a pod of dolphins and an irritant of whiners!2011-03-24 23:09:23
Software Engineering Wizard added massive snark to today’s presentation. I think he should attend all of mine! 23:58:19
Already pointed out! :P @badawnkdonk RT @toph42: @jer_ your “first world problems” rant was right next to your complaint about BT adaptor2011-03-25 00:07:02
I should never be allowed to present first. I am entirely incapable of caring about what others have to say once I’ve spoken. #SuperBored2011-03-25 00:08:49
Seriously. Someone please wander outside the classroom window and ASSASSINATE ME! My vasectomy was less painful than these presentations!2011-03-25 00:18:14
If, during a presentation, you have a “conclusion” slide and it’s not your last slide, I hate you. #PresentationThoughts2011-03-25 00:27:22
This bodes ill…the final presenter’s list of topics covered is ginormous! This could take a while… :(2011-03-25 00:46:05
I don’t care how boring you think these presentations are, you are underselling it by at least half! The Geneva Conventions outlaw this!2011-03-25 00:53:10
I just looked over at my prof…I’m pretty sure he’s hunkered down in his happy place and he’s never coming back!2011-03-25 00:54:41
Way ahead of ya! ;) RT @D63H @jsabada @jer_ you guys should make out. It’ll make time go by faster…or stand still. Whichever you prefer2011-03-25 01:01:29
Dinner, at last! (@ Bangkok 96) 01:55:22
Shallow RT @KimKardashian Ok now heading to a fragrance meeting. I need a name for my new perfume! Any cool ideas?2011-03-25 03:28:49
15 Minutes RT @KimKardashian Ok now heading to a fragrance meeting. I need a name for my new perfume! Any cool ideas?2011-03-25 03:29:45
Alright, going to try that sleep thing I’ve been hearing so much about! Hoping for 10 hours, I’d be happy with 8, I expect 6. Night-night!2011-03-25 03:41:31
Cock Impaled RT @KimKardashian Ok now heading to a fragrance meeting. I need a name for my new perfume! Any cool ideas?2011-03-25 03:42:17
Monday Night Combat and grading ftw!2011-03-25 14:01:51
Hrmm…more grading just happened than gaming…lunch then we fix that!2011-03-25 17:06:42
I’m at The Rack w/ @jsabada 01:57:11
Scott rode in on my hood! (@ Ram’s Horn w/ @jsabada) 02:03:50
I’m awake…barely…time to get ready and head over to U of M-Dearborn for the Engineering Experience! Coffee! Now!2011-03-26 10:46:25
Operations Coffee and Monster are a go! Next Operation Wilford B, then Operation Proctor Lab!2011-03-26 11:45:08
Mundane tasks sound more interesting as military operations…2011-03-26 11:47:38
The “Engineering Experience”! (@ University Of Michigan – Dearborn) 13:48:34
Truth RT @michaelianblack Say what you want about it, but I have now watched the video for “Friday” more than any video of the last 20 years2011-03-26 13:54:41
We got a late start, but the programming competition is off to a great start! More than half the schools have completed at least 1!2011-03-26 16:18:28
It just cost $70 to fill my tank…gas is a expensive as my Starbucks mochas now! Who do we gotta bomb for cheap gas? #FirstWorldProblems2011-03-26 18:46:02
Pretending to be trendy enough for RO! (@ Mr. B’s Pub) 00:23:39
Our waitress (Devan) is way fun…enjoying the RO bar experience 45% more now!2011-03-27 01:08:14
Much quieter bar…way hipper! :) (@ Lily’s Seafood w/ @nadams5755) 04:20:36
Just back-checking-in since Ger is a fucking cheater! :p (@ Gusoline Alley w/ 5 others) 04:53:29
Omg…Ger is seriously hammered…walls assisted her last trip to the restroom! Hilarity!2011-03-27 05:33:13
Brunch with Audrey and Ger! (@ Berkley’s Bistro And Cafe) 14:15:55
Q: “Do you care if I do this assignment following a set of instructions I invented?” A: “I don’t care, but you won’t get credit.”2011-03-28 19:14:36
Ahh Mondays. The day when I can see which students waited until hours before a project is due to start it. *sigh*2011-03-28 22:31:50
QOTD: “Oh alright that makes sense, jer’s taint solves all my problems” –Chelsey2011-03-30 00:08:27
The folks I work for and with are pretty awesome. This might be the first job I’ve had where I could say that. It feels nice. :)2011-03-30 04:46:08
I just heard about someone doing a month with no snark…what do you say to the idiots though? #confused2011-03-30 04:50:04
Feelings before anal…got it! RT @caffeinatedelf Talking about your feelings before you start your careful anal… More for Virgo2011-03-30 13:49:47
I, for one, refuse to lower my expectations. Period. 19:40:01
QOTD: “Every time I try to smell it you keep taking it away…” –Chelsey2011-03-31 00:37:58
Had a great time at the game lab tonight with Chelsey and Scott working on C++ programs and Turing machines. You guys make nerdiness fun!2011-03-31 03:16:34
My favorite word… RT @Oatmeal The Terrible C-Word 03:33:43
Vaccines RT @JennyMcCarthy Hey moms!! Can you tell me some of your can’t live with out products that u have used with your kids?2011-03-31 03:34:53
If you’re looking for a gift for me, $200 worth of books is just nice: (115 shopping days until my birthday :p)2011-03-31 11:06:50
Since I’m sure it will be underreported RT @Josh_Smith: VIPRE Confirms False Positive – No Samsung Keylogger – 14:28:15
So…March comes in like a lion and goes down on a lamb, right?2011-03-31 15:58:16
I just witnessed the greatest thing ever…more to follow…2011-03-31 22:26:25
The awesome to which I earlier alluded, meet @JSabada’s Best Day Ever: 23:39:24
To show what a great friend I am…today Jason bought me a Monster, paid for my dinner, and printed my notes. I set him up for a nut punch.2011-03-31 23:54:59
My wife would love that the language we are learning today is named SPARQL–pronounced “Sparkle”…2011-04-01 00:37:35
Post-sack whack meal-cum-celebration! (@ Buffalo Wild Wings) 02:05:24
Let’s see if this one calls me :) 03:12:34
RT @PimpBillClinton: It’s nearly midnight. That means two things. 1. It’s almost Friday. 2. Rebecca Black is trying not to shit her pants.2011-04-01 04:50:34
Had a great time with everyone, then Scott played some Tool on the way to my car…so I screamed along on the drive home! #NoMoreVoice2011-04-01 05:26:41
RT @Danelope: Remember, April Fools: This year, you’re competing against the 10th anniversary of 9/11 for MOST ANNOYING DAY ON THE WEB. …2011-04-01 11:57:18
The more I see people add to the list of “human rights”, the more convinced I am that most people don’t understand them at all…2011-04-01 13:58:46
The simplest of things, nigh impossible within a committee. A truth I’m of which I’m reminded monthly…for ONE MORE DAY! #SEP2011-04-01 16:00:52
Lunch with Sheryl (@ Leo’s Coney Island) 18:11:04
RT @Penguicon: See @MC_Frontalot perform on April 28, the Thursday before @Penguicon ! Free for registered #penguicon attendees! http: …2011-04-01 19:27:22
Ugh, about to drive downriver…hate the trip there and back…bleh2011-04-01 20:41:02
Dude, the construction on Southfield made getting to Lincoln Park suck! I might stop for dinner rather than try to get out in traffic…2011-04-01 21:35:38
With Jason and Margaret (but not John) :p (@ BD’s Mongolian Grill) 23:42:44
Not my party! (@ Wallace’s Bestiality Emporium) 02:59:03
QOTD: “The sap in my penis…it’s like the man juice that isn’t developed yet!” –Cory2011-04-02 04:31:51
Had a really awesome time tonight. I miss hanging out with Cory, Courtney, and the gang…we must do this more!2011-04-02 05:21:17
We’re partying tonight in Farmington Hills… Please come and help us drink this keg of Woodchuck. Wouldn’t want to waste.2011-04-02 16:56:54
Ger’s *favorite* Chinese restaurant (@ Egg Roll House) 21:06:22
Ger is being so strong…visiting her mom went well!2011-04-03 02:54:11
Truth! RT @RandyTheRandom Neither @jer_ or I won at the Katy Perry Hot and Cold dance-off. The audience had mad laughs, though.2011-04-03 03:49:36
If I had to make a guess…I’d say my Just Dance debut will be on YouTube within about a day…heh2011-04-03 04:01:18
RT @quizzicalpussy: The answer to the question “Are there other people out there like me?” is always yes.2011-04-03 16:54:24
It consistently bothers me that ennui is not pronounced “N-U-I”. Ennui’s actual pronunciation, though, is pretty cool itself. :)2011-04-03 19:24:32
I need to buy or borrow a scale that will be accurate to milligrams. Anybody I know have one handy? I don’t want to “eyeball” pure caffeine.2011-04-03 19:25:53
Watching the remake of the Karate Kid with Ger…hoping for it not to suck…2011-04-03 21:55:17
No buy-in already: no kid from Detroit would wear a Lions shirt…2011-04-03 22:02:06
It begins…here comes video from last night. First up: me vs. @RandyTheRandom in “Cotton-eyed Joe” 23:34:15
Exactly! RT @BaDawnKDonk @RandyTheRandom I know why @jer_ didn’t do better. He had on SLEEVES! That takes away his dancing superpowers!2011-04-04 03:11:50
Apparently, UMD no longer has a cheer team. I say let’s bring it back! I’ll coach, Chelsey can head it up…2011-04-04 16:19:21
RT @Penguicon: Penguicon is only a few weeks away and programming is starting to really pick up, check out what we have so far! http://j …2011-04-04 16:40:04
Oh crap, if anyone is hoping to get a room for @Penguicon, there are under 20 rooms. Book now, or not at all! 16:53:10
My least favorite time of the year: Final Exams (create, grade & take), Final Projects (grade & turn in), and Penguicon final planning. ARGH2011-04-04 17:04:37
My hot pink phone case just showed up! Now I’ll be able to find my phone when I leave it lying around…2011-04-04 17:27:38
I am seriously off my game today! That said, just ordered some 500+ liters of LN2 for @penguicon!2011-04-04 18:45:03
Very cool…@OReillyMedia does review copies of their books electronically! Harder to read, but way more convenient/less wasteful.2011-04-04 20:45:11
RT @SethMacFarlane: Hey, supermodels– stop saying, “I’m actually really a big nerd.” Trust me. You’re not.2011-04-05 02:37:13
Still no “Hot and Cold” from the spring voting meeting, but if you needed another view of “Cotton-Eyed Joe”: 14:59:35
Rofl…ask and ye shall recieve…part of @randytherandom and I dancing to “Hot and Cold” by Katy Perry: 15:43:14
Hired! RT @Sheryl67: I wonder if I could hire @RandyTheRandom & @Jer_ to teach an exercise class using Just Dance. Can you see Daisy Duke’s?2011-04-05 16:32:33
Waiting for a UPE meeting! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 18:44:57
This is 1000% true. RT @pheltzer:First rule when @jer_ is involved… It can always be worse.2011-04-05 21:00:01
It turns out that the President forgot about the meeting. The UPE voting meeting will now be on the 20th of this month at 6pm!2011-04-05 21:01:42
Geralyn is eating like her millionth slice of pizza…just saying…2011-04-05 23:35:19
Interesting article on folks that thrive on minimal sleep…intriguing! 11:49:46
Well, that seals it for me. Unneeded! RT @lukejduncan: Apps purchased from the amazon app store won’t work after uninstalling the appstore2011-04-06 15:25:29
Holy crap, recording a presentation and I have RIDICULOUS background noise in my office. IT’S SO LOUD!2011-04-06 16:00:24
My friend Blake (originator of the Wizard Jer concept) draws random comics…I heart this one… 18:01:10
If you didn’t think me nerdy enough, I put FAR too much thought into how people contact me… 18:58:01
Complete one task…be unproductive for a long time! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 20:36:41
RT @Penguicon: The Marriott is full! Email hotel@ to be added to the wait list!2011-04-07 02:02:51
RT @scalzi: It’s amazing how more I like Twitter than Facebook. Updating on Twitter is fun; updating Facebook feels like a slog.2011-04-07 03:42:18
Awake? Sure, why not… BECAUSE IT’S 530AM and you don’t have to be up until 730…2011-04-07 09:37:43
RT @Penguicon: Don’t forget: the final planning meeting for Penguicon 2011 is this Saturday at noon at the Troy Marriott. It’s almost time!2011-04-07 12:17:31
I know a ton of you love the place…today’s Groupon is $15 for $30 of Thai at Bangkok 96 in Dearborn…2011-04-07 12:54:49
Time to get work done…no, seriously! Stop laughing! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 19:01:32
Interesting article about for-profit higher education… 03:26:25
I find an absurd amount of comfort in the words and ideas found in “Symbolic Logic” by Lewis Carroll. Logic brings me joy!2011-04-08 12:15:19
Lol…me too! But not the mustache…never the mustache! RT @Sheryl67 I miss @Jer_ ‘s beard. 13:16:48 -
Humility is proofing a document you’ve proofed dozens of times and finding yet more obvious errors. *sigh*2011-04-08 15:15:16
Finished with phases 1-3 of hotel room assignments. Less than 1/3 of attendees made room requests, so everyone else gets assigned FCFS.2011-04-08 17:07:43
Side boob, hands down!
RT @17731773 Quick poll:
1. Side boob
2. Cleavage
#votenow2011-04-09 10:37:10 -
Last meeting done, time for a walk through… (@ Marriott w/ @drgnfly79 @fuzzyjelly) 18:22:36
Post meeting dining (@ Chipotle Mexican Grill) 19:53:39
People: If you managed to luck out and get around the system, then get caught, don’t get pissy when you’re thwarted. Deal. #notWinning2011-04-09 22:54:41
I don’t much care for it when an artist tells me how much I should value their art. The market determines your value, not your ego.2011-04-09 23:37:44
You know those ACME deliveries at @Penguicon? You can help decide who gets them! 12:53:01
Sonofabitch…hours of debugging to find that I had configured my test domain with PHP 5.2 not 5.3, so my extension includes didn’t work!!2011-04-10 13:13:55
Coding bloggers: STOP USING LEFT AND RIGHT QUOTES IN CODE SNIPPETS. I want you all to die in very hot fires for that shit! GAH!2011-04-10 14:54:12
When troubleshooting WSDL/SOAP…make sure your basic DB calls aren’t the part that’s failing. DUH! *sigh*2011-04-10 17:24:06
RT @lukejduncan: Lots Computer Science and Software Engineer books from @UM_Dearborn for sale …2011-04-10 17:46:53
Well, part one is down. Two more parts to go. Here’s hoping that there’s a PHP implementation of REST that sucks less than WSDL/SOAP.2011-04-11 03:02:07
RT @nadams5755: You bastards wishing for summer can stop whining about humidity.2011-04-11 09:08:59
“Rescue Me” is my coding background noise for the last day or so…so “C’mon C’mon” by the Von Bondies is trapped in my head.2011-04-11 12:18:59
UofM-D alum and grad student @lukejduncan writes about his latest career boost-the first of many I’ll wager 18:56:47
It’s gonna be a good (busy) day. Had a student come in and complain that I’m not teaching Intro classes now because she heard I was best. <32011-04-11 19:15:01
New rule: If you are asking a question, don’t try to finish the sentence of the person responding. It’s frustrating and you look stupid.2011-04-11 19:41:35
RT @mc_frontalot: Penguicon show! It’s in Troy, MI on the 28th. I have finally posted a few details. 03:40:36
I love it when people come up with novel ways to stand up for their beliefs. @JimCHines is my hero this week! 04:22:26
RT @nerdist: Waking up @ 5:55a feels like swimming up from the bottom of a lake full of anger.2011-04-12 11:04:00
I was all set to hate Unity…but it’s looking like what I’ve been wanting. (But they stole my super-# combo!)2011-04-12 13:41:45
Oh how I hate .htaccess today…2011-04-12 16:03:19
So I logged into FB for the first time in a while to play with GMail’s OAuth link. I might have triggered a friend request flood. Oops.2011-04-12 17:43:07
In case anyone else has this problem: When doing REST on Dreamhost, don’t use FastCGI, it ruins your .htaccess rewrites. 3 hours down!2011-04-12 20:20:56
So, writing my own REST service based on a complex framework went quickly, now to implement and I’m done with part 2 of 3! This can be done!2011-04-13 01:44:39
It’s official, I’m a Difference Maker! I feel pretty honored. :)2011-04-13 03:48:33
And I’ve finally finished with part two. REST is done! Now to figure out what part 3 is even asking for. I am not loving this project.2011-04-13 14:45:43
Are you fucking shitting me? I’ve painted my toenails…am I “pushing transgendered politics”? Get a life, you fucks!2011-04-13 15:03:19
What a gorgeous day! Glad I’m not sitting in my office for this…2011-04-13 15:47:14
Meeting with a student/finishing my term project! (@ Starbucks) 16:10:43
Oh PHP, must though torment me. I just need a simple way to run two concurrent functions…is that too much to ask!?!2011-04-13 18:57:09
Finish homework time! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 19:55:36
Aaaaannnnddd….done!2011-04-13 21:28:44
Cory thinks I Twitter too much…2011-04-13 21:54:43
He might be right…2011-04-13 21:54:52
Lol! RT @bfarrugi @jer_ would never have anything to do with female jello wrestling. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement2011-04-14 02:12:20
Seriously, hate that! RT @shadowspar fuck! linkedin always finds more ways to spam me when I’ve turned off every kind of email I can find?2011-04-14 02:24:41
RT @SethMacFarlane: Um.. hey social conservatives? If I ACCIDENTALLY get pink nail polish on me, will I still turn gay? I’m not clear on …2011-04-14 03:08:02
I’m no environmentalist, but can you say evil? RT @grist Minnesota next up to pass law banning undercover farm videos 03:41:06
Nothing like having page three of a presentation be an impenetrable wall of text! My eyes cry tears of blood.2011-04-14 22:49:14
This is @jsabada’s presentation…yes, that is a photo of me in the lower left. I am the presentation theme… 23:11:52
I am ridiculously dehydrated…bleh :(2011-04-15 03:33:13
My favorite thing about anti-theists? Finger-wagging and circular logic *sigh*: 12:16:39
It’s been a stressful week…so today I relax entirely before diving back into work, Penguicon, and studying. #PlayingGames #MNC #Magicka2011-04-15 13:10:25
Getting my hairs did! (@ Great Clips) 18:36:00
I heart electronics! (@ RadioShack) 19:29:05
Get my bulgogi or bibimbap on! (@ New Seoul Garden) 23:28:24
Coffee! (@ Starbucks) 01:41:51
I never thought I’d say this, but setting up a network printer in XP makes me wish I was using CUPS in Linux.2011-04-16 17:29:21
Working draft 1 of the @Penguicon planning document is up for review… 19:46:49
Watching @DonaldGlover, @dominicdierkes, and @DCPierson in “Mystery Team”…5 minutes in, already hilarious!2011-04-16 23:56:40
“Everything is in this toilet…there’s something sharp inside of something soft”… I love this dialog…2011-04-17 00:21:39
Several times per day I find myself wanting to punch somebody’s child in the throat then beat the parent to death with the corpse. Like now.2011-04-17 02:04:48
Tonight, I’m either Tom, Steve, or Jer, depending on when you ask Courtney… (@ MI Slinger’s) 02:32:19
I’m pretty sure the entire cast of Jersey Shore is up in here…lotsa tans and tits…2011-04-17 03:22:25
Just drew an ascii penis on the inner thigh of Scott’s friend… 8===D~~ to Courtney!2011-04-17 03:39:38
Twice they’ve “gone way back” to a song that I was old enough to drink to when it was popular. I don’t feel old at all!2011-04-17 04:31:21
If caffeine isn’t going to make me feel “up” and “alert” when I’m taking it, it really shouldn’t be allowed to prevent sleep later. :(2011-04-18 05:00:26
It’s snowing like crazy. This is my favorite spring ever! :)2011-04-18 14:29:13
This must be! RT @breckinmeyer to @sethgreen and @Donaldfaison-you, me, broken glass, fists dipped in glue. Loser tweets naked pic2011-04-18 18:03:46
RT @robdelaney: Facebook invitations produce the same result as a notarized letter saying, “If you attend this event, you will be murdered.”2011-04-18 18:26:59
The probability of an improbable event happening becomes 1 when viewed from a point in time after it happened.2011-04-18 19:12:42
So fucking annoyed. *sigh* Picked the wrong decade to give up drinking and to start being responsible. :(2011-04-19 01:30:15
Rofl…tempting! RT @tjagoda @jer_ might be the right decade to /take up/ drinking2011-04-19 02:11:32
Bummed? RT @JonahHill People are going to be so bummed when they discover that the secret ingredient at Panda Express is actual panda meat.2011-04-19 02:32:21
At the end of the day, you’re the only one to whom the things that are important to you are important. Don’t expect others to worry about em2011-04-20 01:51:49
RT @DaveSFoley: Gary Busey endorsed Donald Trump today. I’m starting to question Gary’s judgement.2011-04-20 10:04:55
I’d agree with that RT @Ellalthea Omg…computer engineer and software designer are considered to be some of the least stressfull careers?2011-04-20 14:27:31
A thing I find uplifting: people finding interesting and novel ways to use their passions to help rebuild Detroit. 15:04:54
Ricky’s Subs for dinner! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 18:48:18
Oh shit, tied at three at second int… Chelsey must be peeing herself!2011-04-21 04:24:11
Detroit with the sweep! Sorry Chelsey :(2011-04-21 05:14:52
This makes infinitely more sense to me: Apple might not be tracking your location… 14:55:40
RT @smashingmag: The jQuery Divide: Understand where jQuery ends and JavaScript begins (Slideshow) – 14:59:39
Might wanna skip this post @davehogg RT @UofMD_Jer: Some things happening on or related to campus: 15:30:38
T minus 2 hours until my first final exam…then some celebratory…umm…celebration with friends :)2011-04-21 20:10:27
Celebrating sucking at exams! (@ Biergarten w/ @jsabada) 01:40:30
Lunch with the kids (@ Fortune Buffet) 17:42:36
My fortune, and oh so very true… 18:11:26
Game dev release day! (@ University of Michigan Dearborn) 00:34:51
I need a break from Minecraft… (@ El Nibble Nook Restaurant) 23:14:51
Time to catch up on some Archer, now!2011-04-24 01:17:25
Oh look, under a week from con, time for all of the unique snowflakes to make unyielding demands late in the game. Tough shit snowflakes.2011-04-24 15:53:45
RT @MikeDrucker: A lot of people joke Jesus is a zombie because he rose today. That’s disrespectful. He’s a lich, because he can do magic.2011-04-24 16:16:32
(On the Jesus as lich vs zombie…I stand corrected)2011-04-24 16:16:53
RT @ip2k: This is what happens when you price items on Amazon using an algorithm and don’t build in sanity checks: 18:00:33
Every time I feel like there is sanity in the world, I remind myself that there are people that rescue *cats* instead of people.2011-04-24 18:04:16
RT @fpalazzolo: I am having a #portal 2 cake event at @Penguicon at 10PM, both nights. Stop in and have some.2011-04-24 21:25:16
Settle a debate…when cleaning your ass in the shower, how far do you go? Circle the opening, first knuckle deep, or dive on in?2011-04-24 22:00:29
OMG, that’s what I said, now she won’t irrigate my bowel with me! :(2011-04-25 01:19:25
OMG I want this system like you can’t believe: (but with 2.3GHz, 16GB RAM, 750G HDD, and 3yr support…a steal at $3k!)2011-04-25 13:48:34
Every single pair of my dress shoes are insanely squeaky… I’m beginning to think I’m walking wrong or it’s caused by my flat feet…2011-04-25 14:33:27
RT @Penguicon: Check out our schedule and souvenir books: 02:03:19
Hotel: “Please clarify this or your room is cancelled.”
Person: …
Hotel: *cancelled*
Person: (To me) “Thanks for cancelling my room, dick”2011-04-26 14:10:09 -
(For those keeping score at home, this is my life for the next week…)2011-04-26 14:10:31
Penguicon attendees…in the next hour or so, look for a handful of new rooms to open up at the hotel! If you needed a room, book today!2011-04-26 16:16:38
Holy crap, the first couple of rooms we released just disappeared. I have just release what I expect to be the last set of rooms for PCon!!2011-04-26 21:53:22
Finally caught up on hotel stuff for Penguicon…which is not an invitation to suddenly email problems or requests.2011-04-27 00:14:17
People who continuously speak up when they know nothing amuse the shit out of me. My favorite repeat offender: Rich Herrell. He’s hilarious!2011-04-27 00:48:52
Fun! I just woke up choking on stomach acid. Not my favorite, I must say.2011-04-27 08:41:17
Fantastic meeting with the hotel, now for a final exam! (@ Marriott) 15:49:38
Time to study for, then fail, a final exam… (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 17:02:36
It’s about time, Google! Google Docs App on Android 17:10:53
QOTD: “Does anyone know if Wang curves?” –Brandon2011-04-27 17:39:27
QOTD: “Nothing beats Wangs…” –Vince2011-04-27 17:41:26
For those of you that couldn’t get a room last night, my apologies, the hotel didn’t release the rooms. They should be open right now! #pcon2011-04-27 17:47:43
That final exam was sucktacular! Vacation starts now, yay?2011-04-27 19:32:41
New rule: If you ask me for something and I can’t give it to you, trying to sneak around me and ask the hotel gets your room canceled kids!2011-04-27 19:38:03
The last message should be hash tagged #SelfishFucksInconveniencing349OtherRoomsAndOneLiaisonBecauseTheyAreShittyPlanners2011-04-27 19:41:33
Watching Chelsey dye Ger’s hair…wondering when this turns into the topless pillow fight…2011-04-27 21:36:15
RT @jer_isadick: TIME TO CALL OSHA! #SelfishFucksInconveniencing349OtherRoomsAndOneLiaisonBecauseTheyAreShittyPlanners2011-04-27 22:07:05
Pornography has lied to me yet again…a nude pillow fight plays no part in home hair coloring. What’s next, pizza just gets delivered?2011-04-27 22:10:18
Buying a rather sizable amount of liquor…anyone need anything? (@ Liquor Vault) 14:06:08
If you buy over $400 in liquor then $70 in gas, your next purchase will take longer…you’ll have to turn off fraud protection #pcon2011-04-28 14:55:18
Finally got a chance to check in…after 4 or so hours (@ Marriott w/ 2 others) 20:08:41
This is my new favorite thing! (@ Penguicon- Waiting Spot for Checking Into Our Room ( because Jer is an ass)) 23:12:27
MC Frontalot has started his set, and so starts #pcon2011-04-29 00:34:16
Seriously, the official Penguicon foursquare location needs to be the “waiting spot for checking into our room”…make it so!2011-04-29 01:09:08
The punchline is: It’s a knick-knack Patty Whack, give the frog a loan…2011-04-29 04:55:17
QOTD: “What am I, some kind of portly cannibal to you?” –Greg2011-04-29 06:29:00
In all, a fantastic day 0 of @Penguicon. Hung out with friends, laughed our asses off, and we haven’t even started yet! #pcon2011-04-29 07:50:31
RT @denisleary: Royal Wedding or colonoscopy w/out Demerol? Hmmm…2011-04-29 13:11:42
Alright, shower then breakfast…then making a convention happen! (@ Marriott) 13:13:57
Let’s fucking do this! (@ Penguicon- Waiting Spot for Checking Into Our Room ( because Jer is an ass)) 13:34:40
I just became the mayor of Penguicon- Waiting Spot for Checking Into Our Room ( because Jer is an ass) on @foursquare! 13:34:40
QOTD: “I like to cover the bed in toast, then fuck on the floor”…”What’s the toast for?”…”It likes to watch” –Nick2011-04-29 14:17:57
Opening Ceremonies at @penguicon. You guys are awesome! #pcon2011-04-29 23:17:54
RT @gamrillen: E-Mail for your live ConTV song requests! PLEASE RETWEET! #pcon #penguicon2011-04-30 03:09:48
Love these! Clearly I have a fan! 03:16:24
Totally true on all counts! (@ Penguicon 2011 – Where Jer The Asshat Holds Court) 03:18:09
I’m pretty sure it’s my small penis! 03:20:52
No paper clips or rubberbands (@ Penguicon 2011 Sex On The Beach W/ Jer (that dickhole!) w/ @jsabada) 04:48:45
Chocolate salty balls! (@ Penguicon 2011 – Jer’s Ball Sack) 04:51:04
RT @OakParkGirl: @BaDawnKDonk, Greg, and Jer amongst other folks getting ready to roast at @penguicon. #pcon 06:49:50
There is a zero percent chance I’m going to be able to keep up with my social media feed this weekend…2011-04-30 12:58:13
Okay, first problem of the morning is here… awesome! (@ Marriott) 13:00:43
I’m in! RT @gamrillen is about to head down to the hotel cafe’ for breakfast. Anyone want to join me? #pcon2011-04-30 13:25:56
Totally deserved! (@ Penguicon 2011 – Lobby That Is Barely Large Enough For Jer’s Undeserved Swollen Ego w/ 2 others) 15:21:15
Finally got @NakedComedy to stop randomly button mashing on the a/v so the film roast could begin… The Net via Dawn & Greg #pcon2011-04-30 19:27:27
RT @jimchines: It sounds like @saladinahmed and I will be combining our 1:00 readings tomorrow into one SUPERREADING OF AWESOMENESS! #pcon2011-04-30 22:35:14
Thanks for vague! RT @niteshad I never expected to see a Rule #3 failure @penguicon, but I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. #pcon2011-04-30 22:35:58
Dude, fucking all you can eat hamburger and nacho buffet in the restaurant! #pcon2011-04-30 22:38:17
Typo correction: RT @BaDawnKDonk RT @jer_ Dude fucking, all you can eat, hamburger and nacho buffet, in the restaurant! #pcon2011-04-30 23:17:08
Time for the masquerade! (@ Penguicon 2011 – Lobby That Is Barely Large Enough For Jer’s Undeserved Swollen Ego) 00:27:10
RT @BaDawnKDonk Party is in 1712 #pcon2011-05-01 02:14:04
Closing Ceremonies at #pcon You folks were incredible this year, we love you! 19:17:05
Rofl! RT @tjagoda Lobby barely large enough to contain Jer’s massive throng of haters. 21:59:30
Chilling in the lobby of @Penguicon going over some last minute cleanup/billing. I think it’ll be an early night for me.2011-05-01 22:29:55
Not content with his obvious authorial excellence, @scalzi manages a rare photo: one of me looking good at con 03:10:21
Lol :) RT @Prometheansky Favorite Jer quote from #pcon “I’ll just write down ‘Windows, question mark, exclimation mark, middle finger.'”2011-05-02 05:16:08
QOTD: “There was a KKK club”…”Yeah, it was called Rodeo” –Jimmy2011-05-02 15:08:50
Final clean out/billing. Oh yeah! (@ Marriott w/ @drgnfly79 @randytherandom @nadams5755) 15:46:07
I just ousted @8bits1byte as the mayor of Marriott on @foursquare! 15:46:07
Matt Arnold’s video roast of @RandytheRandom from this year’s conchair roast. This killed! 11:41:45
RT @Mattarz: So, gays admitted to the US Military and less than a year later, Osama’s dead? Bitches get stuff done.2011-05-03 11:45:27
After work last night, I dropped into an 8-hour, post-@penguicon coma. I’m still exhausted this AM from an amazing weekend… #pcon2011-05-03 12:49:30
If anyone has video of Friday’s Roast, please pass it on…I was so busy putting together material I missed quite a bit of hilarity! #pcon2011-05-03 13:06:21
Oh my god, I’m mainlining caffeine over here…and it’s having zero effect. Time for a nap this afternoon methinks.2011-05-03 15:39:07
Since the automatic post both ate my post and didn’t send notification, my anniversary message to my lovely wife: 16:05:59
For real, we need to get @OmniCorpDetroit to @Penguicon next year!! Perhaps they can build a Hack of Honor? 16:33:15
“When will the funds be available?”
“We didn’t put em on hold, should we?”
“Why would I want that?”
“Well, you are pretty weird, Mr Lance”2011-05-03 17:53:21 -
I have told my credit union @Penguicon is: my penguin farm, place I masturbate penguins for insemination, a marmot farm, and an eatery.2011-05-03 18:11:57
Can’t argue with the evidence! Lol RT @Kenco12 Picture proof that @jer_ whored himself to me this weekend. 18:26:06
Steak! (@ Outback) 22:13:39
My wife is trying to decide if the Glenrothes 1991 should be mixed with Coke, or if it’s more of a Dr Peppe… (cont) 22:51:55
RT @constructacon: So…who’s up for a late July or early August relax-a-con? I’m thinking poolside with booze, food, and friends?2011-05-04 02:59:38
Alright, now to try that sleep I’ve been hearing so much about!2011-05-04 06:27:43
This must be! RT @Sheryl67 Is it wrong that I now want to buy 1000 LEDs from @jprodgers and cover an entire suit to wear next year?2011-05-04 13:26:09
RT @jimchines “[Neil Gaiman] is a pencil-necked little weasel … who I hate.” Our elected officials in action. 14:59:58
Upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04, wish me luck! Oh how I hope this doesn’t screw me…2011-05-04 15:13:14
30 minutes of installation left…no errors so far. That’s a good sign, right?2011-05-04 16:05:42
Restarting now, here comes Unity! *wince*2011-05-04 16:26:47
I’m up and running in Unity…the upgrade went well, so far. Now, to relearn how to use my OS…2011-05-04 16:37:54
Unity is really slick looking. It has so far rendered my devotion to Gnome Do useless. The dash thing is very handy. #UnityImpressions2011-05-04 17:11:52
I am struggling with switching between workspaces. Ctrl-Alt-Arrow is only intermittently working, and other ways are slow. #UnityImpressions2011-05-04 17:13:27
I really like the window management. Mouse shortcuts are great…but the keyboard shortcuts to do it are brilliant. #UnityImpressions2011-05-04 17:28:27
So I have to kludge in all of my notifications that I need like Dropbox? That’s not awesome. #UnityImpressions2011-05-04 17:49:55
Usability is starting to come together, but ctrl-alt-left and right aren’t working, only up and down. Annoying #UnityImpressions2011-05-04 18:43:49
For fixing misassigned keys RT @castrojo Hit the win key, type “keyboard shortcuts” and you’ll find the dialog for defining that shortcut2011-05-04 18:48:32
Final #UnityImpressions for the day: Time will tell if I get back to the same level of efficiency, but despite the learning curve, I like!2011-05-04 18:49:47
Holy shit, how many of you on Facebook have fallen for the latest phishing expedition. Nobody is stalking your lame-ass facebook!2011-05-04 19:30:05
Well, that’s annoying…my shell just crashed, taking all open windows with it. Dislike.2011-05-04 19:46:27
Make that twice…two crashes…and bootup is ridiculously slow…like, 3 minutes slow2011-05-04 19:51:45
Holy crap, this thing is running ridiculously hot now. Wonder how long before I cook a processor… :(2011-05-04 21:00:01
Ugh…I hate watching my friends slide into trainwrecks. I have to back away slowly and avert my eyes…especially when they keep doing it!2011-05-05 02:58:03
I’m testing out how well Thunderbird is going to work as my desktop interface for GMail, rather than the browser. Fun?2011-05-05 11:53:47
And as of this morning, my upgraded Ubuntu install won’t mount my ext2 data partition. I might be working in XP today :(2011-05-05 13:26:39
Nope, third reboot’s the charm. I got into my system. Finally…2011-05-05 13:36:50
Unity, you might have done some things wrong…but your window management is oh so right…*swoon*2011-05-05 14:54:52
I am a fan of the silence associated with students taking their final exam. It sounds like panic, among other things. :)2011-05-05 16:25:10
It was less funny a few days ago, but this is back to being funny…my life for the last month: (xoxo Hotel Guests)2011-05-05 19:39:06
I have just converted my home office desk into a standing desk…lesse how that works out…2011-05-05 21:49:36
RT @aurosan: It says everything about the US that the same people so destroyed by seeing Janet Jackson’s nipple are begging to see Osama …2011-05-05 22:14:26
Morgen for 2013! RT @CourtCat For all my #pcon folk: Morgen said, “When I’m conchair . . .” earlier. =D2011-05-05 23:34:11
Bored and can’t sleep, bored and can’t sleep…bleh2011-05-06 02:45:17
I have refrained from making a grossly inappropriate joke related to the 17th anniversary of a friend’s birth and consent laws #grownup2011-05-06 12:40:55
Brunch! (@ Berkley’s Bistro And Cafe) 13:42:14
Just fast-walked 2 miles. I have a new goal, I want to be able to run 2 miles uninterrupted by the end of June. Ideally, in under 20 minutes2011-05-06 18:03:25
It is…oh it is… RT @YeahImAshley If you’re a fan of masturbating, your greatest fear should be rheumatoid arthritis.2011-05-06 19:44:13
After having disabled some things, my 11.04 Lappy is running nicely, seems stable, and is generally nice. Still slow booting, but nice.2011-05-06 21:53:08
I love finals…”I am getting an error, but I know there is no error here”…The database engine almost never plays favorites, trust me.2011-05-06 22:05:09
Done with giving my last final…anyone bored in/around Dearborn?2011-05-06 23:53:47
Okay, headed back to Livonia for dinner..starving!2011-05-07 00:06:00
Chai! (@ Starbucks w/ @drgnfly79) 02:56:49
Everytime I walk into a restroom that smells strongly of soap, I assume the last guy masturbated. Then I remember what a bad idea that is.2011-05-07 03:00:11
Fantastic! @tobiasbuckell has a series of 20 short stories being released as ebooks for 99¢ every Monday for 20 weeks starting in two days!2011-05-07 14:45:06
Free comic day! (@ Back to the Past Comics and Pop Culture Warehouse) 16:48:52
At the UPE picnic, we just got our awesome anniversary gift! That’s Wizard Jer Bear and a Barbie!2011-05-07 18:35:33
Just got to participate in Jason’s Best Day Ever II…cock punch by Scott while Jason was lifting Chelsey…2011-05-07 22:44:54
Some photos from yesterday’s UPE picnic/Jasper’s birthday party… 13:11:25
Watching Empire Records while I finish grading. I forgot how much I love this movie…trite story, fun characters, fun soundtrack. A+2011-05-08 16:33:40
Final grades posted. Complaining begins…I’d imagine…Monday!2011-05-08 18:35:58
As of today, I have a 14 year old child. That seems ridiculous, so Cody will have to forgive me if I continue to pretend that he’s 10!2011-05-08 20:17:39
Mother’s day dinner for Ger… (@ Siam Spicy) 23:18:16
Thor’s day? (@ AMC Livonia 20 w/ 3 others) 23:55:02
My wife covers her popcorn in “butter” then uses a straw to make sure “butter” reaches lower popcorn. How am I the fat one? Crazy! Gross!2011-05-09 00:07:04
Thor was good..not what I thought it would be, but in a good way! I don’t care for the comic, but love the movie’s character…2011-05-09 03:37:32
Atom Eve just cheated on Mark Greyson with me… #InvincibleBoner2011-05-09 03:38:58
Wow, that thunder is awesome…but *SHHH!* I’m trying to sleep!2011-05-10 09:57:45
Wow, just found out that I had registered for the wrong course this semester. Crisis narrowly averted, Masters program back on track!!2011-05-10 19:06:56
Today’s stupid question: how do you find out which classes are acceptable cognates for U of M-D CECS Grad studies?2011-05-10 20:00:31
RT @tomayz: angry birds – 20:01:45
Dear fellow tubbos: when we get no exercise and thusly are fat, do not pretend that there is no causal relationship there. #NotGlandular2011-05-10 20:55:11
Lmao…correction noted! RT @draconum: @jer_ I think it’s more of a “casual” relationship. #lazinessjoke2011-05-10 20:56:25
Son of a bitch…the Wings won? So I get another day of my Twitter feed flooded by scores of Don Cherry wannabes? Balls!2011-05-11 02:55:58
Step 1, don’t be Jer! RT @BaDawnKDonk Um, why would I care? RT @GuyKawasaki 10 tips for being more likeable on Facebook 03:18:46
Okay, @swype, I have seriously had enough of a) words auto-adding to the dictionary and b) the stupid popup to tell me about those words…2011-05-11 13:50:24
Slowly downloading Visual Studio for my summer course. Oh how I hate using Visual Studio :( So bloated an IDE…2011-05-11 16:07:10
Next time someone complains about fragmentation making it hard for devs to make money on Android…refer them to this: 17:57:47
Nice! I’ve been using it for a while, but now no minute loss! RT @atdt1991: Tmobile offers free, unlimited wifi calling2011-05-11 18:25:38
Time to attempt to ruin my Windows install by setting it up to be VM bootable under Ubuntu. Uh oh!2011-05-11 20:16:42
Dinner before Todd’s shindig… (@ Deluca’s) 23:35:44
Great idea! RT @SteamyKC Good idea. Bad idea.2011-05-12 04:05:39
Same for Twitter DMs… RT @heyitsmegan Facebook messages are not emails.2011-05-12 04:07:13
Had an awesome time at Todd’s, now it’s time for bed…2011-05-12 04:09:16
It would appear that I’m on the front page of U of M Dearborn’s website… #DifferenceMaker2011-05-12 13:53:35
Oh. My. God. Greatest book ever. All parents of young children must buy. 15:27:43
I DO! RT @Sheryl67 Who wants to go to Target and change all of the pictures in the frames to this one of @Jer_ with me? 15:31:13
Today: Some random user explains to me what causes problems for software developers. Tomorrow: I’ll explain how to do better surgery!2011-05-12 20:54:03
Work is done, time to forage for food before class.2011-05-12 21:20:37
Caffeine at 6pm? Yes, that is a thing that is happening…2011-05-12 21:50:42
School…again (@ University of Michigan Dearborn) 22:44:18
I have opened Visual Studio to write some C++. A part of my soul just died. Why do you do this to me UMD?2011-05-12 22:53:36
Excited! I’ll be there! RT @GeorgeTakei: At Motor City Comic Con this weekend (May 14 & 15) 22:54:12
So glad the @Penguicon board is busily over-stepping its bounds again… *sigh* #DoneSoon2011-05-13 00:49:19
Can’t sleep, so instead, I purged about 2 pages of apps that I never use anymore from my phone. I accumulate apps!2011-05-13 03:12:06
I allowed Ger to convince me…she earned it! :p (@ IHOP (International House of Pancakes)) 13:58:42
I like my pasters like god made em…humble in a Jaguar! 14:45:27
Lawn care and a small grill… (@ The Home Depot) 15:20:44
Rofl I wish everyone could see the twitter convo that made this RT @gamrillen It’s official: 17:02:07
So, who’s going with me and Atom Eve to Motor City Comic Con tomorrow?2011-05-13 17:28:08
Apparently my bad ear that would “one day soon need a hearing aid” is near perfect now. So is my once corrected vision. I am immortal!2011-05-13 18:12:37
Let’s see what all is wrong with me… (@ Livonia Family Physicians) 18:49:50
Balls. Phone battery almost dead. Backup battery at home. Well played!2011-05-13 18:59:49
“Lunch” (@ Leo’s Coney Island) 19:24:35
Just finished giving away copious amounts of my blood.. (@ Livonia Family Physicians) 13:01:12
I just ousted Bridget J. as the mayor of Livonia Family Physicians on @foursquare! 13:01:12
Okay, sounds like the plan is meeting at my place at 1 to head to Comic Con…I’ll probably be grilling dinner afterward…2011-05-14 15:07:30
Really in “need” of patio furniture now..2011-05-14 15:58:22
ComicCon! (@ Suburban Collection Showplace Expo Center w/ @drgnfly79) 17:46:34
People are stopping my wife (as Atom Eve) to get their picture taken with her. #mcc2011-05-14 17:49:13
Finally in! Crushed among nerds! #mcc2011-05-14 18:22:03
Ger photo count: 14 pics, 1 hover-hand, 2 non-verbal creepy stops #mcc2011-05-14 18:40:48
Ger photo count: 23 pics, 1 hover-hand, 5 non-verbal creepy stops #mcc2011-05-14 19:08:48
Ger photo count: 29 pics, 2 hover-hand, 13 non-verbal creepy stops #mcc2011-05-14 19:25:54
Achievement Unlocked: Obtain pedobear panties for Ger! #mcc2011-05-14 19:28:32
Ger photo count: 39 pics, 4 hover-hand, 16 non-verbal creepy stops #mcc2011-05-14 19:56:19
At the store getting food to grill…then home!2011-05-14 20:41:13
And home…making corn for grilling!2011-05-14 21:13:36
One of my favorites from #mcc… Supergirl, Ger, and some other Supergirl. <3 them all! 00:15:25
You mother fucker! RT @RandyTheRandom Amber just brought Jer a beer. No more secrets!2011-05-15 00:56:26
My sponsor’s wife said it was okay for me to take amphetamines! RT @RandyTheRandom Amber just brought Jer a beer. No more secrets!2011-05-15 00:57:18
I am tired of people projecting their own body issues on others; if you mock people’s fun because of their weight, fuck you. Fuck you a lot.2011-05-15 02:51:33
I am going to shank the hell out of this cat that is sitting outside mewling at full volume…2011-05-15 08:52:43
Cat: either learn to operate an umbrella, or learn to accept being rain-soaked with SILENT aplomb for Christ’s sake.2011-05-15 08:54:45
…also, get a Twitter account so you can see this…thanks…2011-05-15 08:55:37
RT @JersKitty1: Dear @Jer_ It’s really fucking cold and wet out here. Please be a dear and let me in.2011-05-15 12:37:43
RT @JersKitty1: @Jer_ Also have you ever tried to operate an umbrella without thumbs? Seriously, you are a dick.2011-05-15 12:37:50
The photos I took of Ger from Motor City Comic Con… 14:08:28
Pricing out 350 and 400fps airsoft rifles…nothing for you to worry about, @JersKitty1…2011-05-15 14:29:24
Just made a red-green magic deck to play against my son… I call it @JimCHines…goblins and spiders!2011-05-15 16:59:13
Ooops, apparently we had a power outage yesterday? Minecraft server is back up and running. In related news, I need a new UPS! :)2011-05-16 13:09:20
Also needed, a non-crt display…this 17″ CRT looks cartoonish bobbing around atop the rather high surface of my stand-up desk.2011-05-16 13:10:07
RT @denisleary: Trump/Palin 2012? Forget birth certificates. We’re gonna need to see their SATs.2011-05-16 13:32:36
It is a sad day. My downloaded class videos have surpassed music and dirty movies as the number one space-taker-upper on my computer!2011-05-16 13:34:13
I’ll be spam-blocking anyone who allows Garden of Time on FB to spam their update feed. “Blocking New People” is the only FB game I play.2011-05-16 13:55:51
Possibly, but I prefer the ‘fuck you’ to people who spam me with their boredom. RT @atdt1991: @jer_ Isn’t blocking the app more efficient?2011-05-16 13:59:26
Starting the first Matt Smith season of Doctor Who while I work. 8 minutes in…and I love him. Might break my productivity though…2011-05-16 14:09:42
Why I dislike doctor visits and enjoy Dave Barry: 16:42:41
Dear world: If you are uploading sensitive information to any cloud service without encrypting it yourself, you are an idiot. That is all.2011-05-16 19:51:27
Dear world part 2: Stop treating technology as a magical black. If you aren’t willing to learn the basics, don’t use it. Same for all tech.2011-05-16 20:09:25
Wow…the last message should have read “Magical black box”…one missing word made the whole thing WAY offensive. Sorry non-magical blacks!2011-05-16 20:29:48
We have a term for when people use one term when they mean another: lying. Making your own definition is lying. #WordsHaveMeanings2011-05-17 02:38:58
I am a glutton for punishment! RT @AsetIsis @jer_ son of a bitch Jer, why WHY are you using LOGIC on the internet?!?!2011-05-17 02:47:51
Sleepy time… let’s see how that works out!2011-05-17 04:00:24
I have just scheduled some hotel visits for scheduling this year’s @ConStructaCon! Probable dates: Aug 12-14 or 5-7!2011-05-17 19:16:15
I am seriously considering shaving my head again for the summer… #tiredofhair2011-05-17 23:38:13
Today, both of my children are teenagers…so…damned…old!2011-05-18 12:38:09
Goodbye hair!2011-05-18 12:41:29
Haha! I am invincible! Between this and my magically repaired hearing/vision, I truly am immortal!2011-05-18 13:41:59
Seriously annoyed with @GalaxySsupport and @Swype today. Swype has had same annoying bug for months. Instead of a fix, I get a blame chain.2011-05-18 16:18:34
Grabbing dinner at Red Robin for Amber’s birthday…hungry for burgers…why isn’t it 6:30 yet?2011-05-18 21:13:05
Amber’s favorite restaurant! (@ Red Robin) 22:15:06
My status as invincible is on hold: I need a follow-up appointment to discuss significantly elevated liver enzyme levels.2011-05-19 01:00:31
I think I love Doctor Who because, like me, he thinks best while talking…and is most at peace when things have gone to shit.2011-05-19 01:40:15
Rapture Prank: On Saturday, take some of your unwanted clothes and shoes and leave sets of them arranged on sidewalks and lawns around town.2011-05-19 02:21:23
(Previous stolen from NSFW magazine by way of Elli)2011-05-19 02:22:05
For real! RT @shawnp0wers Book series without a clear reading order really frustrate me. #vorkosigan #discworld #azimov2011-05-19 13:43:02
Reason #1432 that I love my wife…from a text message today: “Elevated liver enzymes just means there is more of you to love”2011-05-19 13:58:18
Seriously, Visual Studio…in order to add an 80th column marker in the IDE, you have to edit the registry? Well designed!!2011-05-19 15:21:31
My new favorite homework assignment…Program 3: “Redo program 2 but with an extremely mild change.” Thank you gods of homework!2011-05-19 18:52:23
RT @newsycombinator: Google vows to fight antipiracy bill even if passed 00:22:24
You owe it to yourself to read this. Beauty. 02:07:18
Holy crap. I just deleted >60 (but <80) unread Facebook messages. They remain unread…if it was important, I’ll get an email…2011-05-20 03:14:25
Playing 2 player Spiro on the Wii with Ger…divorce imminent…2011-05-20 15:10:11
I want to drop $600 we don’t have to build a gaming rig: Phenom 1100T on MSI 880-E45, 2x4G DDR3-1600 RAM, XFX Radeon HD5750, 750W PSU!2011-05-20 17:26:32
Meetings meetings meetings… (@ Best Western Laurel Park Suites Livonia (Michigan)) 18:27:11
More meetings! (@ Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center) 18:49:09
“We can’t give you that!”
“You’re a franchise, right? Call corporate.”
…one call later…
“Oh, we can give you that!”
“Shocking!” #MyLife2011-05-20 19:11:17 -
Do I understand correctly that Randy Savage snapped into a tree?2011-05-20 20:23:19
I hate driving to/from downriver…the traffic is shitty enough, but construction and moron rednecks make it frustrating.2011-05-20 22:36:46
Badger…2011-05-21 04:32:56
Awesome time at the castle tonight! Great friends came out..some new, some I hadn’t seen in a long while…I hope to see you all more soon!2011-05-21 05:35:30
So, you can say grossly racist shit, and all you have to do is say “sorry” and “I’m not racist” for absolution? 11:29:49
Jodie Foster, Alfred Molina, James Garner, and Mel Gibson when he was charming and comparatively sane… I love Maverick!2011-05-21 12:56:03
I forgot how in love with Jodie Foster I am. <32011-05-21 15:03:11
This is way too much fucking food! (@ Five Guys Burgers And Fries) 17:06:10
Lack of rapture? Perhaps God heard “It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere” and got confused?2011-05-21 23:22:07
RT @kellyoxford: REMEMBER: People clamored in groups for the rapture at 6pmEST but 72 virgins is crazy.2011-05-22 01:52:10
About to do a 5k (walking, still)… Excited! :)2011-05-22 13:27:03
That was not 5k…it was 5 mi…the unit conversion made it interesting :)2011-05-22 15:13:54
I am a sweaty, sunburnt, mess… I am done with summer now! :p2011-05-22 16:27:08
Finally, here comes the rain!2011-05-23 02:29:00
RT @kattni: Spam. Please RT.2011-05-23 03:52:46
RT @quizzicalpussy: Buy A Sex Toy Day is coming up June 4th! Tell your friends. #BAST2011-05-23 13:37:07
Time to find out about this “elevated liver enzyme” thing… (@ Livonia Family Physicians) 14:46:57
My AST(?) is 39, and the other (ALT?) is not terrible apparently. Because of family history, testing for hemochromatosis and more!2011-05-23 15:36:18
Lol.. Finally, a revenue stream I stand behind! RT @7heBigBadWolf
@Jer_ is now selling his balls at walmart!2011-05-23 22:47:58 -
Yeah, if I hadn’t already switched to yfrog, this would seal it. RT @nadams5755 goodbye twitpic. 01:45:54
However uncomfortable you might assume a badly sunburnt scalp might be, let me assure you that dragging a safety razor across it is worse!2011-05-24 14:07:24
My previous tweet firmly in mind, realize that shaving a sunburnt scalp is a special kind of hell reserved for foul mouthed chodes like me!2011-05-24 14:12:49
The aftershave was the icing on a really fucking painful cake…paincake.2011-05-24 14:16:12
Sonofabitch…forgot to bring lunch and/or dinner to work. Long, long day coming…2011-05-24 15:34:12
What do I hate worse than Java? LDAP. What do I hate worse than LDAP? Using Java to query LDAP. What do I hate more than that? Nothing!2011-05-24 19:14:23
Gotta come up with something cool to do with LN2 for @Penguicon at Detroit’s Maker Faire… Something more science-y than just ice cream…2011-05-24 20:39:12
Oops, looks like I had questions sitting in my queue on Formspring. Answered… 22:24:30
Apparently we’re ruining Twitter playing with it…but info parser Creepy shows the scary amount of info we reveal! 22:59:51
An upside to chronic insomnia: I get a great deal of time to lie awake next to my wife and reflect on how lucky I am to have her.2011-05-25 03:42:22
Gee, I can’t fathom why you are having trouble with this assignment. You have a page of instructions, and you’ve only read the last one.2011-05-25 16:20:29
If you want to make absolutely sure you are ignored by me, send your unimportant message to every mode of communication I have. #WTF2011-05-25 16:51:32
For real, I am STILL finding modes of communication by which one message was sent. TwitterDM, Facebook, Penguicon email, ConFusion email…2011-05-25 19:03:14
Ooh, he found the contact form on my website too…these are communication methods I forgot I even had. I should see if I have a myspace.2011-05-25 19:18:39
Thank you, Michigan drivers, for crossing three lanes of traffic to avoid a shallow puddle. I hope your spouses give you painful STDs…2011-05-25 21:02:01
Chickens only have one opening and shit, piss, and eggs all come out of it? Nature is ridiculous…2011-05-25 23:36:12
Goodie! My sunburnt scalp is now peeling…that doesn’t look absolutely gross at all!2011-05-26 14:29:13
I am growing weary of Ubuntu 11.04’s periodic random restart of my GUI session. *sigh* Seriously considering playing with Mint for a while.2011-05-26 16:01:51
Having a good day! I was asked to consider a job as Lead PM for a awesome tech company for nice $. Said no thanks, I’m happy teaching :)2011-05-26 19:54:15
(truth be told, though, sometimes it’s hard to say no to the money…)2011-05-26 20:00:15
I am the master of the Wacom tablet! (nsfw) 22:29:23
Sleepy time? Nope… :(2011-05-27 07:13:37
Lol…awesome! RT @erikvolson @jer_ , you need a toffee break. 17:46:26
Residents of Jertopia, the upgrade is complete, and the server is back up… :)2011-05-27 18:37:32
Costuming Tips… (for those judgmental cunts out there that publicly snipe cosplayers) 14:30:09
Think I’m gonna wipe, reinstall, update, then root my phone today…2011-05-28 16:51:37
Picking up caffeine for tonight’s LAN…heart attack starts in 5…4…3…2011-05-28 22:51:48
Looks like the server is on now, for the night. I think I have it working, that is…2011-05-29 00:27:08
Leaving Scott’s place after a great LAN. Fun was had by all, and it was great having much of the team awesome crew back together again!2011-05-29 10:27:30
Okay, Minecraft server is back up at the usual address… now with apparently more TNT :P2011-05-29 18:56:31
Dyndns has failed me for the last time…new server addy uses my website domain name…’home’ is the subdomain.2011-05-30 05:15:50
Oops. I *might* be going to bed now after staying up all night playing Minecraft. This is how I ruin my internal clock…2011-05-30 09:10:16
We spend roughly 4 times as much per prisoner as we do per student. In other news, my car costs way more than my skateboard.2011-05-30 09:15:18
QOTD: “I needed a bigger shirt and no pants!” –Lucy2011-05-31 01:32:40
Balls, just figured out why my DNS pointer wasn’t working…I put it under instead of…should work now…2011-05-31 04:43:58
That’s right, I still go to class sometimes… (@ University of Michigan Dearborn – Game Lab) 21:38:14
RT @CourtCat: RT @ghostangel: Children do not need to be protected from homosexuals. REPEAT: Children. Do. Not. Need. Protection. From. …2011-06-01 13:17:04
Children need protection from people who think that children need protection from homosexuals, because they are using kids as human shields.2011-06-01 13:18:50
How is it that I wasn’t aware of how Rufus Wainwright ruined “Everybody Knows”? The Concrete Blonde version is the definitive version.2011-06-01 14:07:13
Officially my favorite thing ever! EVER! RT @bfarrugi: @jer_ If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was you. 16:03:12
Fuck you, Java, for making it a moderate pain in the ass to set tab traversal order. Seriously, need it be so annoying?2011-06-01 16:27:15
Tonight I sign the contract, ConStruct is on! August 12-14, Livonia Holiday Inn (same hotel as last year). Website update to follow!2011-06-01 19:41:47
Wait, you can set up BEST FRIENDS on Facebook? The competition begins now, fight to be my best friend…FIGHT!2011-06-01 19:45:39
I know that there is something wrong with me because when I get a spam link and there’s a hot chick in the pic, I want to click anyway.2011-06-01 20:00:46
Oh, I’m going to the AA Mini Maker Faire this Saturday. Anyone else up for going?2011-06-01 20:22:43
My work week used to be 60 hours minimum. Sometimes I miss the money. Seeing my friends hate their jobs reaffirms my decision, though.2011-06-02 06:31:25
Gah! The systems at work are only using Visual Studio 2008 as well. Annoying!2011-06-02 15:47:35
Anybody ever used interactive whiteboards? I need one that will simply capture things written on it to file. Suggestions? #LazyWeb2011-06-02 20:06:06
Class is over, time for dinner finally (@ Buffalo Wild Wings) 00:06:52
I was like, that’s my pickle. Jason was like, that’s mine. We decided to share… 00:53:06
Wow, I’m in the wrong business… RT @jimjag Now that we got *our* payout, we now need cash to run the company: 15:00:12
RT @robdelaney: I’m sad that Jack Kevorkian passed away but I’m happy that no one will ever commit suicide again.2011-06-03 15:16:27
RT @quizzicalpussy: Tomorrow is Buy A Sex Toy day! So do exactly what the nice day says and no one gets hurt. #BAST2011-06-03 20:35:03
Hrmm…my @tweetdeck install on my Vibrant no longer can comment on Facebook posts…irritating…2011-06-04 13:20:04
RT @newsycombinator: Hate Java? Youre fighting the wrong battle. 16:04:04
Had an awesome time with great friends all day…thank you all for being a part of it. I have the greatest friends in the world2011-06-05 05:26:50
Many hours spent out in the sun…and I think I’ve managed to avoid any sunburn. Self-immolation is probably on the docket for today, then.2011-06-05 14:51:09
Gonna go play volleyball with the kids…call the ER…2011-06-05 16:14:35
Finally got my invite to Google Music. Now to upload music endlessly. This might take a moment. :)2011-06-06 19:02:36
Oh, the Minecraft server will likely be unusable during the music migration…sry :(2011-06-06 20:35:29
Since, unlike Weiner, I have only sent around pics of my balls, my political options are still open, right?2011-06-06 21:17:28
I’ve complained similarly RT @castrojo 5 Days, the average a writer can try linux before getting flamed by “advocates”. 01:12:55
Oh yeah…midterm today…forgot about that.2011-06-07 13:23:42
What the shit!? Why is it infinity degrees outside? Not cool, no pun intended…2011-06-07 20:56:37
Well…that midterm could have sucked less. I suppose, truth be told, it could have sucked more…but that would have required work…2011-06-07 23:06:21
Fucking awesome. The customer is not always right RT @jwz She texted. We kicked her out. Alamo blog: 00:38:35
I love it when users demand a widget rather than a solution to a problem. Especially when they don’t understand their own terminology.2011-06-08 00:47:38
Users: Describe the problem that needs solving, then evaluate fixes provided. When you lock onto your pet solution, you are always wrong.2011-06-08 00:48:42
My wife is gonna snap… RT @tomayz katy perry to be cast as jubilee in the next x-men movie – 03:59:45
Wow, new version of @DolphinBrowser is slow and crashy…it’s driven me back to the stock browser until there’s a working update :(2011-06-08 10:52:54
Want to go! Hopefully money works out and it doesn’t sell out before then..:)2011-06-08 15:25:49
RT @hipsterhacker: The only way to tell the difference between an elite developer and a homeless person is his iPhone. The homeless guy …2011-06-08 19:11:25
Working with Visual Studio 2010 reminds me, yet again, why I hate programming by mouse click. Slow, clumsy, irritating. :(2011-06-08 20:09:49
RT @jennifermarsman Why are more women not speaking at technical conferences? 01:22:00
RT @jzb: Linux folks: What distros do you consider the “major” distros these days? Say, top 7. (Pls. RT.)2011-06-09 17:53:02
I might be a Xoom owner now….might be…2011-06-09 18:01:57
Awesome, we have an info security instructor that is stumped by physical locks LITERALLY EVERY DAY!2011-06-09 19:17:35
Coffee o clock (@ Starbucks w/ @jsabada) 01:05:18
Nice! RT @CompSciFact Advanced computer science courses online with good lecture notes 11:10:50
Never read this one…but the description makes me want to now RT @GailSimone My announcement about Secret Six. 11:18:07
Looks like I’m going on diet meth and a sleep aid; and I’m supposed to “cut it out” with the energy drinks: “drink them like normal people”2011-06-10 15:10:20
I can only assume that “like normal people” means “completely lacking in commitment” or “desiring a functional metabolism”…2011-06-10 15:12:05
I wanna come back with popcorn, because the pharmacist is a man about to snap! So much anger… (@ Walgreens) 15:18:17
RT @lukejduncan: Made me smile: Literal headlines should be the new meme 15:25:42
“Every time you eat a steak, a hippie’s hacky-sack goes into the gutter”… I heart @pattonoswalt so fucking much…2011-06-10 22:53:17
Wish I could have made it to @nerdist’s show last night…sounds like it was fantastic…but I was exhausted.2011-06-11 14:07:34
Slow’s had a ludicrous wait…fucking Tigers… :) (@ Andiamo Dearborn) 23:53:10
Dinner was great! Now, we think, X-Men First Class…2011-06-12 00:47:10
X-Men! (@ Emagine Canton w/ 4 others) 01:53:30
There is a super annoying (and super loud) feedback buzzing in this theater… Not good, @emaginetheater2011-06-12 02:22:04
June 15th we all must go watch Sondheim’s “Company” in honor of @ActuallyNPH’s birthday…it must be so…2011-06-12 02:29:23
So…what’s going on today, folks?2011-06-12 15:11:53
This mirrors my thoughts on the movie almost exactly… RT @nkjemisin on the racism of the new X Men movie: 17:04:27
I don’t often think I’m better than others…but I am DEFINITELY better than each and every person at the next table. In every way.2011-06-12 17:45:21
.@danieltosh I am doing all of my own stunts (which are mostly comprised of telling dick and poop jokes) #pretendyouarejasonstathamday2011-06-13 13:54:33
Homophobes are turned on by gay porn…. in other news, water is wet, atoms are small, and homophobes are self loathing 14:02:12
I, for one, am tired of people saying “my Facebook got hacked” when what they mean is “I was stupid enough to click on a phishing link”2011-06-14 01:54:00
Broadway is not just for gays anymore! @ActuallyNPH is, as always, amazing!2011-06-14 11:18:55
Oh, do I ever hate linker errors…grrrr2011-06-14 13:45:28
Listening to Elbow’s “Grounds for Divorce” and missing @BaDawnKDonk 22:45:14
Later I’ll be listening to bagpipe music, watching the Dukes of Hazard, and swearing very, very loudly…while I miss @NakedComedy… :)2011-06-14 22:46:53
I do rather enjoy it when class is out early! <3 Now for sustenance…2011-06-14 23:54:29
I came home to an empty house…which used to be my favorite thing, and rarely happened. I no longer care for it. Strange, that.2011-06-15 00:30:55
RT @constructacon: Does anybody remember who the GoH was at last year’s ConStruct? @atdt1991 & @EnigmaNo2 were conchairs…2011-06-15 12:12:21
RT @constructacon: If anyone has pictures from ConStructs past…please consider uploading some to the site? 13:51:11
I am not sure how I feel about this screen protector. It sticks on well and is thick…but it creates glare and makes my stylus squeak. :(2011-06-15 15:19:41
I have made words on the Internet! The tl;dr version of my recent doctor’s visit… 21:05:52
Sitting at dinner listening to a table mate do a spot on (and entirely inadvertent) Seinfeld impression. It hasn’t gotten funnier with time2011-06-15 23:34:03
Oh shit, now pseudo-Seinfeld and his buddy are debating tech…ostensibly to compete as to who is most uninformed and inexperienced…2011-06-15 23:41:55
Oh god, pseudo-Seinfeld is now lamenting how he is the only graduate who has gone out and gotten a “real job”… This kid is my favorite!2011-06-16 00:36:00
It would appear that my daughter has been given awards for academic excellence and honor roll. I approve! 02:10:53
20% of doing anything is having the ability…the important 80% that most lack is the will to actually do it.2011-06-16 14:20:14
I have smart friends! @JSabada, Margaret, Matt, Scott, and Cardi (and I) are featured in the Alumni Newsletter (PDF)2011-06-16 16:02:16
What the crap…we cancelled the disk part of our @Netflix and sent back the disks we had out. Today, they shipped the next ones. *boggle*2011-06-16 17:06:18
Me! RT @atdt1991 Who is coming to #constructacon? Lucy and I have a few plans – Geek family feud and papercraft Minecraft! constructacon.org2011-06-16 17:16:37
I’m up for putting $50 into the pot for the Gamrillen fund. RT @aiela @atdt1991 @gamrillen @jer_ We could have a bake sale to fly him in!2011-06-16 17:28:51
This just in: if enough money is raised to get him here, @gamrillen and I will do a choreographed dance! #constructacon2011-06-16 23:27:44
The Sting RT @steveagee There Will Be Blood #Describeyourpeniswithamovie2011-06-17 01:06:24
I’m always a bit puzzled by businesses with absolutely no web presence…I just move on to the next vendor that I can read more about.2011-06-17 13:48:03
RT @rainnwilson: “I’m not on Facebook” is the new “I don’t even own a TV.”2011-06-17 18:09:18
Smart planning? RT @atdt1991 @jer_ heh, where does “I don’t read DMs on facebook” fall?2011-06-17 18:13:53
Courtesy of @nadams5755, Jertopia has moved to Teamspeak at the Resume time wasting!2011-06-18 12:38:29
Cheat day breakfast with friends… (@ Leo’s Coney Island w/ @randytherandom) 15:31:35
QOTD: “I’m just a huge vulva…fwoosh” -Ed2011-06-19 00:49:36
And now the real reason for cheat day is apparent…punishment for my eating in the form of heartburn keeps me on the straight and narrow!2011-06-19 09:21:59
Thank you, @lifehacker, for protecting me from the evils of seeing your full site on my tablet. #YourSiteRuinsMobileWeb2011-06-19 10:09:53
RT @Codepope: New York Post now block iPad owners from their web site and tell them to buy a subscription app. NYP have achieved maximum …2011-06-19 11:37:32
Just finished a nice 3-4 mile walk…now to spend some time relaxing with the family…2011-06-19 14:27:32
I can think of few people I appreciate more in comedy right now. RT @louisck Louis C.K. (via @pitchforkmedia) 10:00:36
Oh how I hate you Visual Studio. Thanks for forcing me into wasteful vertical use of space. *sigh* Two more projects…2011-06-20 16:18:24
Ger? Chelsey? Margaret? Is that you guys? Super hot nerd girls… 12:14:53
<3 RT @TheBloggess Okay, drunk insomniacs. This one is for you. Unless it’s just jibberish. Then I blame the cats.2011-06-21 15:41:23
I made some words on the school blog. 20:48:25
OMG Want!! (Courtesy of @BaDawnKDonk who points out that they should say ‘rufied’ [or ‘roofied’ {or ‘GHBed’}]) 20:50:40
Heh, that’s pretty funny… RT @gamrillen This is in incredibly bad taste: 12:36:01
Always-connected mobile devices have greatly increased the number of things I can do while I poop.2011-06-22 14:23:55
A+ RT @jzb I’m going to start dinging every browser in every review until they include a feature that tells users what tab is playing audio2011-06-22 14:25:02
A little omg hawt for your day…one of my friends from school on The Chive: (#40)2011-06-22 21:20:49
Hanging with Ger and Amanda :) (@ Starbucks w/ @drgnfly79) 22:48:50
Android window stickers? Want! (And if you want to look creepy, take a picture of someone’s car from yours) 12:51:26
QOTD: “If this is a picture of your dick, we are no longer friends” -Chelsey, in response to a MMS2011-06-23 13:21:39
Really interesting bit about visual multiplication and that order of operations meme that has been making the rounds… 14:04:08
What kind of a grown-up has to set an alarm to remind him to eat on time. I mean, seriously, this is ridiculous.2011-06-23 17:03:05
Dinner time! (@ Buffalo Wild Wings w/ @jsabada) 23:12:07
Brilliantly expressed… RT @Pink A letter I posted… For anyone who’s interested. all good things. X2011-06-24 02:37:40
Sweet! Dean Sangupta’s office from @UM_Dearborn’s College of Engineering sent me copies of the journal I was in! 02:50:54
RT @LulzSec: Though we did attack the actual sun… that bitch was down all last night.2011-06-24 03:52:42
RT @Penguicon: REMINDER: Our hand-off meeting and party is tomorrow (Saturday) at 2pm. Join us at the Dearborn Hyatt for food, booze, an …2011-06-24 12:20:08
“Miss USA isn’t a geek, she can’t be, she’s pretty and wasn’t bullied!” – Fat, ugly, socially inept women2011-06-24 13:25:40
“See, we are everywhere, can look like anyone, and aren’t always the socially stunted misanthropes we’re portrayed as!” -Actual geeks2011-06-24 13:27:04
.@OakParkGirl I’m hoping to get another podcast recorded, get rock band running, and possibly do the hundred taco run at @constructacon2011-06-24 15:36:20
Agreed! RT @lukejduncan Netflix CEO now on Facebook board. If @Netflix begins tight FB integration I’m gone2011-06-24 15:36:51
35 minutes, just shy of 2.5 miles. My knees still don’t care for jogging, but I still got about a quarter of a mile of it in. #FitnessSucks2011-06-24 16:37:36
RT @MarylandMudflap: Babies who are raised on Baby Einstein don’t stand a chance against babies raised on coloring books, crayons, and Q …2011-06-24 16:38:25
Tomorrow its cheat day…do I carb up on sushi or on Italian food? Decisions decisions…2011-06-25 01:49:08
Trick question…you don’t choose either/or on cheat day…you choose BOTH! Sushi and Italian it is!2011-06-25 01:59:41
Gays can marry in New York? I guess that’s it for my marriage, or doesn’t it get invalidated until the first gay ceremony #HowDoesThisWork2011-06-25 03:41:18
Cheat day breakfast buffet! Imma get sick! (@ Leon’s Family Dining) 13:09:53
I just ousted @bluwatersue as the mayor of Leon’s Family Dining on @foursquare! 13:09:53
Chilling at the Dearborn Hyatt, getting ready for the meeting/party (Marty? Peeting?) You should be here. Yes, you. Rm 3012011-06-25 16:37:08
FAQ: Who can/should come to the party today?
If you are interested in working for or attending Penguicon, or if you are reading this, you.2011-06-25 16:42:28 -
SMOS Dinner July 4th in Clawson…email community@ for details!2011-06-25 18:40:25
Capri Bakery closes at 3pm on Saturday? RUINING MY CHEAT DAY (@ Olive Garden) 19:46:37
RT @EnigmaNo2: ConStruct is coming up, livonia radisson, august 12-14!! Rooms are $84/night.see you all there! #constructacon2011-06-25 19:48:43
QOTD: “I call this poop-sack, by @rbradakis!” -@tjagoda2011-06-25 20:59:04
I’m ba-ack! (@ Hyatt Regency Dearborn w/ @randytherandom) 21:18:09
That’s right, a church…figure that out! (@ Ravenna First Reformed) 13:53:18
“If you hate Visual Studio for its bloat, wait until you load 4G of web server!” –Microsoft2011-06-27 14:55:31
Nice…can’t continue with this assignment until I’m on campus. *sigh* Time to work on getting my bike road ready…2011-06-27 16:01:03
Possibly the best response to a social media gaffe I’ve seen: Kudos, @cincyvoices!2011-06-27 18:34:38
Got a 9.5 mile ride in today…holy shit am I out of shape: 30-40 used to be my exercise distance, now 10 is a struggle…2011-06-28 01:11:02
RT Me too! @jzb Anybody got a Google+ invite for me? (Does it have invites?)2011-06-29 16:50:32
The last bit reduced me to tears… Hilarity RT @louisck me on the daily show 17:03:08
Now to go figure out what the hell it’s wrong with the Jeep..sigh…2011-06-29 18:24:31
The upside, the bok that holds up the muffler snapped…the downside is that it needs to be welded to the muffler…more monies2011-06-29 18:31:54
Waiting forever, apparently… (@ PepBoys) 20:27:32
Just got a great 7-mile ride in with Ger…it was nice :)2011-06-29 23:08:51
This is the intersection that makes my marriage possible: My Little Ponies and educated swearing. Where my gerunds at?2011-06-30 02:01:34
Holy shit, @gamrillen I could kiss you (and might)2011-06-30 02:08:32
Bedtime…up tomorrow to work and play, though…2011-06-30 03:16:04
RT @BaDawnKDonk OMG you can carriage return in comments in Google+! SO SUPERIOR TO FACEBOOK!2011-06-30 11:04:49
So, apparently the new job of the internet is to tell us if Tracy Morgan is being offensive? Thank you comedy police!2011-06-30 11:59:21
Tracy Morgan is getting on stages and working out bits. Some are going to hit, some will miss, and some will take shape over time.2011-06-30 12:00:50
If you hate comedy, don’t understand how stand-up works, or think offensive equals not-funny, fuck off and stick to tea party rallies.2011-06-30 12:02:46
I fear that the next few days are going to sound like an extended Google+ add from me…seems the same for everyone else though :)2011-06-30 13:10:42
Thank you! RT @nadams5755 Neat. @jer_’s minecraft server is upgraded to 1.7.012011-06-30 15:15:26
RT @robdelaney: Can’t believe Michele Bachmann used taxpayer dollars to have her dogs’ buttholes bleached…2011-07-01 04:24:25
Okay, Minecraft with pistons wil steal hours from you; but they’re awesome!2011-07-01 04:25:32
Dear @Twitter, stop shortening links I didn’t ask you to. I’m trying to share an address. You’re being a dick. xoxo, Jer2011-07-01 14:08:45
So http://profiles,google,com/jerlance (with commas replaced by periods) is a landing page for my Google+, which all of my stuff. Neat!2011-07-01 14:10:38
Lmao… I heart this. RT @nadams5755 ha. @tjagoda is a dick. :) 11:24:07
On my way to Conneaut, OH to deliver the kids to my parents for their summer visit. Loving the new Ohio speed limits!2011-07-02 14:37:36
Operation Drop-Off was a success, now for operation Go Home…possibly to see Green Lantern at the Canton Emagine: any takers?2011-07-02 17:45:17
We decided to bail on the movie for tonight…time to just relax…2011-07-02 23:53:08
On our way to Clawson for the SMOS dinner. Apparently, the city is going to do a big fireworks show in honor of the event. You should come!2011-07-04 21:12:58
If I’m going to start using Picasaweb again instead of my (annoying to load into/out of) Gallery2 install..I have a TON of exporting to do.2011-07-05 16:21:07
RT @nadams5755: RT @rayhatfield: attn photographers: google+ has rights to your photos if you post ’em. 22:46:40 -
RT @constructacon: The ConStruct taco eating contest is ON! @jer_ now has serious competition…2011-07-07 02:23:53
Had a great time hanging out with folks at the Castle tonight….hopefully this means they’re back on for the season!2011-07-07 04:58:16
Uh oh, thanks to @RandytheRandom, I am now in possession of a Dreamcast! I’ll be accomplishing nothing for a while now!2011-07-07 13:08:06
Going through my wedding photos as I move them onto Picasa/Google Photo. Still the best decision of my life. 10:08:05
RT @neiltyson: The US bank bailout exceeded the half-century lifetime budget of NASA.2011-07-08 15:17:55
RT @shawnp0wers: Are you a Minecraft player? I want to hear from you on my recent @linuxjournal blog post: 17:31:49
Want this now! (courtesy of @Melanatrix)2011-07-08 19:48:14
I finally got around to setting up my name landing page for business cards. I still need to play with the CSS some tho…2011-07-08 23:20:36
In unsustainable-weight-loss news, I started eating differently 29 days ago. I am down 19 pounds. I am pleased.2011-07-09 13:57:04
In response to the general uproar about G+ not allowing pseudonyms, I made a post: 16:13:38
I’ve also managed to slip a +1 button onto my website. Reviewing that code makes me want to cry. I need up revamp my CMS.2011-07-09 16:35:45
People, don’t post commentary on behalf of others. At best it’s cowardly, at worst, it’s trolling. In either case, I’m simply deleting it.2011-07-09 18:16:00
Indefensible and incorrect. *shrug* RT @evilgeniustodd: For the record there is NOTHING wrong with posting comments on other peoples behalf.2011-07-09 18:57:57
Grr. Signing off the ‘debates with entitlement’ channel for a while. Off to hang with friends. I’ll be back enlighten folks later! xoxo2011-07-09 18:59:53
What, too soon? RT @PimpBillClinton: Just ripped a fart that smelled worse than Casey Anthony’s trunk.2011-07-10 03:06:38
Fun fact: People that are super offended by my colloquial language when I disagree with them are never so offended when I agree with them.2011-07-10 04:41:38
As an addendum to the previous, apparently I’m insulting. #newsAt112011-07-10 04:42:44
Fun Fact 2: If you keep saying I’m insulting you, sooner or later I’ll oblige. It’s only polite. And fun for me.2011-07-10 04:48:09
Work’s dropping SSH traffic is going to tank productivity for the day. Time to troll my to-do list for things I can do. #FirstWorldProblems2011-07-11 14:20:08
Tectonicus-mapped a miniscule portion of our Minecraft world: 4k blocks in 4 layers took up 1G of storage. Running on all 48k blocks now.2011-07-11 21:17:05
RT @BambolaBambina: Video: Call On Alessandra Jenna and Xander If you LOVE the video, share it with the world!!!!!!!! …2011-07-12 12:40:38
I strongly dislike having to get ‘businessy’ in emails. :(2011-07-12 19:31:22
Holy shit, how did I not know about this? Algorithms and math… <32011-07-14 15:53:15
Just got software updated to 3.2 on my Xoom…hello, SD card!2011-07-15 04:46:03
QOTD: “Parameters are the things you bounce off to create art.” –@neilhimself2011-07-15 16:36:15
Hello Buffalo, and your stupid 55mph roads. We meet again!2011-07-15 20:16:03
I should be back Internety tomorrow night, for those that miss my foolishness :-)2011-07-17 02:18:36
Hello Michigan, it’s nice to be back in you!2011-07-17 19:53:14
RT @Ellalthea I made Blakexican love-stiqitos, a byproduct of the Sabadassian mild-mexican flavored products.2011-07-19 03:13:02
Fuck you, Minecraft…you now it’s tomorrow and I’m just going to bed, and it’s all your fault! (Or I’m not a grown up)2011-07-20 09:24:10
RT @nadams5755: click “i am under 21”. thanks @tmbo.2011-07-21 03:51:15
Way to red meeting the discussion, feminists. Why can’t feminists discuss the actual issue 03:59:59
So, time to choreograph a dance it seems RT @constructacon: Wow, we are ridiculously close to our target on the Gamrillen’s Tears Fan Fund!2011-07-21 13:36:05
Good morning Internet. In case you were wondering, yes, it is difficult to be this pretty AND this awesome all at once.2011-07-21 13:38:16
RT @constructacon: We have hit our mark. Well done, ConStruct community! 14:31:20
Dinner from Green Cedar, swimming, and visiting with friends… I call it a nice evening!2011-07-22 02:39:53
There is no word more gross sounding for the female anatomy than “cooter”. “Cunny” is in the ballpark, but…”cooter”…eww.2011-07-22 16:27:01
Anybody on my Intarwebs that uses Photoshop (or, I suppose any real image editor) and can mod a file for me? xoxo2011-07-22 19:57:02
Agreed! RT @Sheryl67 All we really need for the SMOS dinner is meat and beer, right?2011-07-22 22:25:50
True story: most times I shave my head, I paint on a Magneto helmet in shave soap, say a line to Xavier, shave off the soap, and respond.2011-07-22 23:36:37
I was just surprised, I suspect for the first time, for my birthday. Thank you guys (and gal) :)2011-07-23 02:10:36
QOTD: “I’m not sure how much berlew I should be giving the diabetic”…”I have insulin, dick hole” –Blake & Jason2011-07-23 02:32:54
Berlew in the last post should have been “cake”2011-07-23 02:51:04
Eric puts this far better than I, and far less inflammatory to boot. 05:34:38
So, now that I’m 35, it’s mid-life crisis time, right? 15:36:54 -
#ConStruct is almost here, I’m ridiculously excited. Who all is going, and what are you looking forward to?2011-07-25 18:15:44
Sorry for this absence, lately, but I’ve been on Google+ mostly (and crossposting is broken again)2011-07-26 03:03:01
RT @movszx: What’s the difference between my daughter and a box of Franzia? One lucky homeless person has one of them and I now have a b …2011-07-26 11:08:04
Today was yet another reminder day of how many useless twats are on the Stilyagi list. Don’t worry, I pointed it out to them :)2011-07-26 17:14:15
The Humble Indie Bundle is back! Do it! :)2011-07-26 17:25:41
Okay, I think I have everything working properly to divert posts from my FB profile to the FB page that will replace it…in theory2011-07-26 18:38:38
In other news, water is wet! :) RT @EnigmaNo2: Today’s Newsflash!: @jer_ is mean!2011-07-26 18:46:58
First thing I’m going to have to change is what type of person FB lists me as. Everytime I see ‘Jer Lance: Public Figure’ I wince.2011-07-26 18:59:42
LMAO! RT @jer_isadick: @atdt1991 @jer_ Did someone need my assistance?2011-07-26 19:47:09
An oldie but goodie. Yes, Virginia, I am an introvert.. (as shared by @paolobacigalupi)2011-07-26 20:04:09
Damnit @linkedin, why is it virtually impossible to turn off email notifications permanently? Is it that hard?2011-07-26 20:17:43
I have committed blog! Uninteresting, but…well..there ya go :)2011-07-26 21:07:52
How have we not figured out that this sort of thing is unwelcome and exclusionary at tech conferences? 11:24:12
Hey, @dolphinbrowser, adding text to the end of the url when I share a page breaks things, and is a quick way to drive me elsewhere2011-07-27 11:42:16
Entering hour 2 of my interminable wait at Pep Boys. I hate when the shop I usually use is backed up.2011-07-27 16:18:05
It gets better, though, they are JUST NOW starting the brake job I brought my car in for. Never again, @pepboysauto. *sigh*2011-07-27 17:52:45
RT @GreatDismal: Almost everybody perceives themselves as centrist, is the problem there. The most extreme often perceive themselves as …2011-07-27 17:58:24
Shit…occasionally guilty here! RT @NYTimeskrugman The Cult That Is Destroying America 18:00:10
I’d love 2. I seem to be getting only 1. Heh RT @gamrillen @jer_ Fast, Good, Cheap – Pick any two.2011-07-27 18:07:20
Took me a few minutes to figure out why this looked weird to me…then I LOLed 19:45:32
I’m finally free! It only took @pepboysauto 3.5 hours to change rear brakes and one fog lamp with no one queued ahead of me. Sweet!2011-07-27 20:29:09
I spoke too soon: 3.5 hours for @pepboysauto to do rear brakes only…they never actually changed the light. *sigh*2011-07-27 20:36:25
I’m done with my #firstworldproblem tweets about how my day off was inconvenienced by corporate foolishness. Back to dick and fart jokes.2011-07-27 20:48:04
Things I <3: sleeping like crap on a night before I’ll spend 7 hours driving. Glad I got my brakes fixed, gonna need them.2011-07-28 07:21:49
I wonder what happens when I post a post on G+ that gets crossposted to Twitter. Does it get truncated, does it get… 12:43:44
Before I’m asked, I’m using Manage Flitter ( ) to crosspost to Twitter (and I rhyme)2011-07-28 13:08:42
RT @atdt1991: G+: Only a little over two weeks to #ConstructACon! Do you have your hotel room yet? 19:43:04
Make sure to email the account RT @atdt1991 Email +Jer Lance if you want access to the #ConstructACon schedule2011-07-29 01:59:18
It’s Friday, Friday… 17:32:40
How am I the fat one? 21:11:41
+Greg Williams is concerned about rust… 00:29:40
Stupid question because I was just reminded: who video taped the Randy Roast at Penguicon this year?2011-07-30 03:21:39
Time to brick +Dawn Kuczwara ‘s phone!2011-07-30 18:07:38
Grr…Motorola’s bootloader on the Droid is super annoying. Jer’s new bootloader effect is uneffective.2011-07-30 19:19:40
Hey, @jzb, knock knock.2011-07-31 16:54:03
Hey, @BaDawnKDonk, knock knock… (cc: @jzb)2011-07-31 19:38:57
Wow, AT&T…are you going to start some local protection rackets next? “It would be terrible… 01:48:34
They give you sex and sandwiches… #reasonstorespectyourpartner2011-08-01 02:59:15
I did that “Solve the Deficit” thing… 50/50 taxes/spending Didn’t seem all that hard to… 12:22:36
Crap, I didn’t do anything special to commemorate breaking 10,000 tweets! Aside from, you know, just saying more useless crap :)2011-08-02 17:40:33
Omg yes! RT @britain I love you, Costco, but you make me so angry when I start to really like something and you stop stocking it.2011-08-03 11:03:58
See, I’m not being a dick, and my sarcasm is productive! 14:33:08
Valid correction! :) RT @AsetIsis @jer_ you need to change that to “I’m not just beimg a dick” cuz productive or not, you’re still a dick :)2011-08-03 14:45:24
Doesn’t matter how many times I see it, I laugh out loud every time…heh RT @jer_isadick: @jer_ @AsetIsis You rang?2011-08-03 14:48:21
RT @constructacon: New #ConStruct blog post: Last Minute Scramble Thread! 22:53:02
There’s something awfully “Fox News Republican” about the rhetoric in calling G+ name policy “abuse over the vulnerable” 23:34:08
You can’t say “Facebook isn’t an example of this because it enforces poorly”, and also “Facebook proves that real names don’t work.” Srsly.2011-08-04 23:55:12
Putting a pin in this for later: @penguicon should look into this: (found through @christiekoehler)2011-08-05 00:11:51
Thoroughly annoyed by ‘real name’ entitlement today…listen kids, jer_ is not my real name; belief otherwise is dangerously delusional.2011-08-05 14:37:41
So, who wants to come by my house and help me move a server rack into the basement? I’ll feed you?2011-08-05 18:23:11
So, what’s going on tomorrow? I have no plans beyond a bit of work that I need to do, so does anyone have anything interesting going on?2011-08-06 00:59:58
I am, for the first time in about 5 years, below 270lbs. That makes about 30 pounds lost to-date since 10 June.2011-08-06 12:15:00
Fruit and bread products…Yum!2011-08-06 12:44:01
For those into Capri Bakery, there is a Groupon for this afternoon: $4 for $8 of food!2011-08-06 14:02:46
QOTD: “Ed Hardy is just coked out Lisa Frank” –Ger2011-08-07 02:02:39
RT @Kristina_Blott RT @BrandonBlott Romantic dinner with @kristina_blott and @jer_ (@ Aubree’s Pizzeria & Tavern) 03:36:32
Sometimes the changes we change by our changing change us! RT @rainnwilson Sometimes we change the things that changed us by changing.2011-08-07 14:02:23
RT @Queen_UK: Typical: a rebellious child leaves home and runs up a huge debt. #america2011-08-07 14:14:26
Just had a great time riding at Mayberry with +***** and the B’s…B-train did awesome!2011-08-07 18:48:59
RT @nadams5755: take a penny, leave a penny, but for coffee instead. thanks @jonathanscard2011-08-08 12:07:47
I am having a ridiculously hard time getting motivated to start any of the hundreds of things I need to get done. Frowny face :(2011-08-08 19:04:49
Oh, also, if someone wants to wander through the process of incorporating a company for me, umm, I’d be super appreciative..heh :)2011-08-08 19:06:24
Rest assured, next year’s ConStruct will not be at the Livonia @HolidayInn. Random policy changes are annoyingand unwelcome.2011-08-08 20:02:26
Why isn’t my wife home yet…my head hurts and I miss her…work time over now!2011-08-09 01:16:31
RT @constructacon: Just a few days left…with gaming, drunk make-overs, food, and @jer_ in a Speedo all on the schedule…why aren’t yo …2011-08-09 10:32:00
RT @constructacon: More reasons to come to #ConStruct: a photo studio, Geek Family Feud, Del Taco, @gamrillen, @NakedComedy, orange dodg …2011-08-09 11:06:26
RT @designcoyote: A HUGE congrats to @petersbeagle! After 8 long years of fighting, he finally won his battle & will get his dues for Th …2011-08-09 17:17:42
Ger: “I wanna be a steak connoisseur”
Me: “You might have to stop drowning it in A1”
Ger: “Frick!”2011-08-09 22:31:14 -
RT @timoreilly: LOL, with a tinge of sadness. RT @samj OH: “Now all countries with an AAA credit rating have universal health care”2011-08-10 01:00:02
This is an amazing idea… Brilliant!</a>2011-08-10 01:53:31
Okay ignoring the obvious issue, this made me laugh out loud… 17:52:34 -
Jesus Christ, Apple…compete in an open market or sink gracefully, but this is getting pathetic! 19:44:30
RT @capricecrane: Snooki is launching her own perfume line. For when you want to smell like shame, self-tanner and herpes.2011-08-10 20:42:56
Holy shit, @LinkedIn, you’re straying closer and closer to Facebook territory, you don’t add enough value to do this: 21:43:49
RT @constructacon: Hey everybody, what should we have on tap… Blue Moon? Bells? Poet?2011-08-11 03:12:31
Oh god, how I miss my friends from out of state…I can’t wait for James, Greg, and Dawn to get here! I have no stapler2011-08-11 03:47:06
Dear 11 FB friend requesters: kudos on finding my profile, but it’s family only…you are looking for this http://facebook.ibloviate.org2011-08-11 04:19:35
Oh…my…god…The pulled pork Lucy made for #ConStruct’s Friday dinner is amazing! Not that I’ve tried it…2011-08-11 04:54:35
Before I go rent one, does anyone have a jockey box (beer chilling dispenser) ConStruct can borrow?2011-08-11 15:15:44
Screw you, New Zealand…we see your “peeing on a man’s leg” and raise you “peeing on an adolescent girl”! 17:10:55
RT @warrenellis: Answer: Contributors say that Womanthology, which isn’t a charity project, will not be paying them money. It raised $100K.2011-08-11 19:08:49
Add to previous post RT @warrenellis this info isn’t on the Womanthology Kickstarter, but profits from the book itself go to Global Giving.2011-08-11 19:10:33
RT @wheniwasaworm: Oh shit, the riots have spread to Edinburgh! (via @pumpkinspiced)2011-08-11 20:30:52
Wow @Twitter, the new site is one unresponsive piece of shit violating a fair number of practices I drill into my web dev students…Kudos!2011-08-11 21:07:07
I seriously laughed until I cried. Get me a panda suit! RT @pilkro OMFG YOU ASSHOLE PANDA I want a panda. #panda2011-08-11 21:17:41
It looks like Google has made their decision about pseudonyms on +: I have to say, I’m relieved somewhat.2011-08-12 12:28:52
RT @tiarala: Also, don’t buy Xbox Live or Wii games from Frozen Codebase. Remember the name. Remember the new owners are soulless.2011-08-12 12:41:19
How do you reserve a flight for someone then forget which airline? By being me!2011-08-12 15:02:57
Adrienne: “Deet is bad for balls?”
Kitty: “It’s like putting regular bug spray on your pussy”2011-08-13 05:55:09 -
Day 1 of #ConStruct is done…I’m wiped and very, very happy :) Now to nap before breakfast and more fun!2011-08-13 08:27:08
If Lucy hasn’t already done so, ConSuite re-opens by 10am for waffles and eggs!2011-08-13 08:29:26
Lol.. That’s right, I’m the king! RT @SteamyKC 08:36:01
Mirsk!2011-08-13 09:30:54
Oh, yeah…can’t sleep…not cool!2011-08-13 09:48:19
QOTD: “Can you page him in braille?” -Greg calling to locate our missing, blind, deaf @gamrillen2011-08-13 17:03:46
Power’s out at the hotel…so Greg made a hot pink pentagram in the atrium. Christian romance writers unimpressed.2011-08-13 18:41:12
Everyone tried to stop me from making a pentagram, but now they’re all playing in it. #shitmyGregsays2011-08-13 18:55:22
It’s not fun unless it offends someone… #shitmyGregsays2011-08-13 19:36:23
Jesus loves everybody…he’s kind of a whore that way. #shitmyGregsays2011-08-14 03:13:25
QOTD: “My hand smells like dildo…” -@atdt19912011-08-14 06:07:03
“Wanna do another night of insomnia?”… “Way ahead of ya good buddy!” -me to myself2011-08-14 08:08:29
I double baked the cock because it’s really big. #shitmyGregsays2011-08-14 15:44:05
Oh my god…fucking…be older! #shitmyGregsays2011-08-14 22:01:15
RT @jaykreps: Startup advice overheard: you have too many hipsters, you won’t scale like that. Hire some fat guys who know c++.2011-08-15 12:11:33
RT @aishatyler: Detroit! I will be LIVE @ Detroit Opera House this Sat, 8/20! If you live in Detroit, it’s time for some laughs! Tix: ht …2011-08-15 12:13:41
Dear Google,
Can you please buy T-Mobile next?
those of us about to get boned by AT&T2011-08-15 13:28:56 -
Greg’s gift for our waitress…the Meat Poodle2011-08-15 16:06:28
(photo of the aforementioned meat poodle) 16:31:31
RT @Jesus_M_Christ: “I don’t think gay people are bad, just that being gay is wrong” –Someone that’s not getting into Heaven2011-08-18 12:09:03
RT @denisleary: NYC firefighters not invited to 10th anniv of 9/11 at Ground Zero. They werent invited on that day in 2001 either. The …2011-08-18 18:39:30
I’m disturbed when waitstaff with whom I joke around contacts me afterward…doubly so after @BaDawnKDonk, @NakedComedy, and I were there!2011-08-18 18:43:59
.@NakedComedy @BaDawnKdonk lol…Sweet Lorraine’s…no love from BWW or Red Robin2011-08-18 20:27:22
I realize it’s a thing now, but seeing ‘cis’ or ‘cis-gendered’ automatically causes me to assume your argument is specious.2011-08-18 21:13:21
Seriously tired of the track heads that overestimate their track’s importance and try to be unique snowflakes. Looking at you Music Track!2011-08-20 18:39:23
RT @Sheryl67: @Ellalthea A pony creator! It’s so fun. 23:00:23
Shit, just found out that giving someone herpes doesn’t make mine go away…umm…sorry to…everyone?2011-08-21 05:48:05
The state of Michigan requires that I tell all of my neighbors about MY CRAZY BABYSITTING BARGAINS! (oh, and I’m a registered sex offender)2011-08-22 03:06:09
Sweet! RT @bossk25 i know some of you personally know “tron guy”, did you know he was in a commercial? 22:22:36
Is it time to sing “Ding dong the inept-child-that-keeps-fucking-everything-up is dead” yet? Judging from my email, it is! #GoodRiddance2011-08-23 02:24:53
Started and finished “Wise Man’s Fear”…my review? I want to go back and start again because I’m bummed that I ran out of book.2011-08-24 01:50:39
Fricking genius! Bars want to ban legislators for banning smoking. I approve! 04:35:12
Learned at the store today: never buy diapers and condoms at the same time…as trash bags…and duct tape…and lye…and wine coolers…2011-08-24 21:10:20
RT @donald_faison: If you’re Blaxican on twitter let me here you say yeah! @PHASERStoFAB: I’m blaxican too and I was grateful when I h …2011-08-24 22:30:24
Now that Steve Jobs is resigning, what brand identity are the irritating hipsters going to latch onto? They look so lost…2011-08-24 23:04:15
RT @johanptrs: Steve Jobs exits Apple the same way a closed window exits in mac OS… He’s still running in the background2011-08-25 12:48:51
Jim Carrey professes his love for Emma Stone: commitment! It’s easy to end by breaking character, what he did is art! 13:21:28
The show was great tonight. Dave Landau was great, way better than when I saw him last and @emilygalati fucking killed. Even the MC rocked.2011-08-26 03:44:38
Now for the comedy part of the evening…I greatly prefer Thursday sets to weekend sets :)2011-08-26 07:27:11
I would pay cash money for someone to teach people at my work about Bcc:…I just scrolled through 7 pages of names for a 2-line message.2011-08-26 13:25:20
A)I doubt it’s common knowledge that you can’t use sandwich bags as condoms B)pretty mouthy for someone who needs a ride back to school!2011-08-26 15:01:06
I wonder if I can make these the textbook for a web class? 18:08:24
He rehearsed this trick with a lawyer, didn’t he RT @denisleary Cheney says his book will make heads explode. We only need one. Namely his2011-08-26 18:09:48
I think I must be coming down with something…I feel like CRAP! Super lazy day today…2011-08-27 14:47:35
A quote corrected: “When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I feed the poor from your table, they call me a communist”2011-08-27 15:06:08
Oh my god I feel like such shit…I need a dislike button for this cold…also I’m a major whiner when sick. #wah!2011-08-27 20:44:46
Oh so true… RT @jenny_wade real boobs > fake boobs > being dead2011-08-27 22:48:50
RT @ConFusionMI: Online registration for Epic ConFusion is now active at Same rates as last time! Please Retweet!2011-08-29 14:20:45
RT @jzb: Dear Twitter – if I wanted to use to shorten my links, I would. Don’t substitute for other shorteners. Sneaky, and wrong.2011-08-31 16:45:54
To the six folks constantly bombing my phone with calls. Leave a message or send an email. You’re never getting a callback as it stands.2011-08-31 21:00:30
I have impressed even myself by having procrastinated Twittering about how annoying my procrastination has gotten. #SoMeta #SoLazy2011-09-01 19:53:54
This is my favorite thing ever! RT @robdelaney I wrote a letter to Katy Perry: Let me know what you think! cc: @VICEMAG2011-09-01 23:38:16
So how long before App Engine’s price change is racist and exclusionary like Plus’s Real Name policy?2011-09-02 15:22:29
RT @daveanthony: Hey, Starz, I didn’t even know you existed before Netflix and you won’t exist in my world after you leave Netflix2011-09-02 19:24:42
I’m no longer specifying a social media venue when talking about someone’s message: I’ll just say SM.. “my SM”, “your SM”, “he SMed”2011-09-02 19:35:19
Wow, Amber’s back-to-school clothes-shopping list is out of control. She needs loads of everything! Hello poor house!2011-09-02 20:03:05
Bonus points to the ex-wife for noticing Amber’s ill-fitting bras, buying only two (sized wrong), and telling no one that she needs more!2011-09-02 20:03:25
I would buy this shirt…no question! RT @TheBloggess I can’t even stop giggling.2011-09-02 20:09:58
RT @inked_caduceus: Disgusted by asinine “tee-hee, RAISE AWARENESS!” facebook fad? New trend:List ways to #actuallyh …2011-09-03 05:00:19
If you are bored and in the neighborhood you should come hang out at @atdt1991 and @EnigmaNo2’s new place! Bbq, beer, and other beverages :)2011-09-03 21:39:26
Breakfast with my ladies :) Exhausted breakfast…2011-09-04 13:10:19
Ugh, time to look at desks at Ikea.2011-09-04 16:28:17
Check this. If U like spamming, try eating a bag of dicks! RT @phanadd @jer_ Check this. — If U like IKEA you might want to check this…2011-09-04 16:38:53
Uninstalling pre-installed software on a computer is ridiculous…almost done getting to a base install…2011-09-04 22:15:10
Omgpwnies is my workgroup RT @Ellalthea Jer is in the process of renaming all of his computer/server stuff after my little ponies!2011-09-05 03:38:53
Today, I go back-to-school shopping for the first time with a teenage daughter. I expect to be homeless by this evening. To 12 Oaks I go!2011-09-05 14:16:15
Store 1 down…JCPenny’s…two pair of pants, a blouse, and $60 down.2011-09-05 16:07:16
Don’t worry…in an emergency, I could grab anyone in here and use them as a bludgeon to kill every single person in this Aeropostale.2011-09-05 16:44:37
How did I miss this opportunity!? RT @Sheryl67 @jer_ Please tell me that you’re wearing your holey jean shorts for this shopping trip.2011-09-05 16:48:37
3 more stores, 80 more dollars, and we inch a few articles closer to done…25% done maybe? #Shoppinggate2011-09-05 17:05:30
For the record, @american_eagle gets it right: tons of friendly, helpful (hot) staff; wide, obvious aisles; decent music.2011-09-05 17:28:48
Also, it was nice watching the bill go from $100+ to around $60 instantly… Thanks @american_eagle (and Margaret for the tip)2011-09-05 17:33:58
“Dad, I would like to do Cross Country” is secret code for “I would like $100 in running shoes” #Shoppinggate2011-09-05 18:17:37
Fine…you go try on stuff, I’ll just be out here pretending not to check out mannequin asses…2011-09-05 19:31:16
Mall shopping is done, now to clean up loose ends at Target…hoping for a sub-$100 stop!2011-09-05 19:33:29
Yeah, we’re not getting out if here for under $100 OR without me slaughtering someone’s kid…2011-09-05 20:34:55
Well, all said and done, we ended up well under a grand…now I’m going to go apply for McJobs! #Shoppinggate2011-09-05 20:44:40
It’s weird how worried my wife gets about all of the recent rapes in our neighborhood…what kind of a loser would rape his own wife?2011-09-06 02:50:23
Ugh, no thank you, morning…I’ll stick with being asleep.2011-09-06 09:58:14
Do Androids Dream of Electric Light Orchestra @pnh’s #BandNovels2011-09-06 10:58:55
Oops, clearly my list is not the entire Twitter universe… #BandNovels was a @writersblockne #WBDailyChallenge (RT @pnh @jer_ Not mine…)2011-09-06 11:17:38
Also, my clever ELO reference was about a half hour late…@theworrierpoet found it as obvious as I, but quicker :)2011-09-06 11:22:22
This is a thing I would like to do…given way more free time than I generally have…and two free consoles… 11:26:53
RT @pattonoswalt: Contentious, interesting op-ed about the Katt Williams “controversy.” 13:27:36
RT @AGuyWithNoLife: Don’t be racist. Be like a panda, they’re white, black and Asian… but not Mexican. So be like a panda with a taco.2011-09-06 21:51:08
I hate you for this comic…but it’s awfully pretty… RT @bfarrugi Kolo has fun with a spider. #comics #kolocomic2011-09-07 12:00:47
I wish I had more time… :( RT @UM_Dearborn Have an innovative business idea? There is still time to submit your idea 13:59:11
Except me! RT @digitaldawn Dear other members of the human race – you are not more important than the rest of is, no matter what you think.2011-09-07 15:22:00
Just came dangerously close to hauling some old man out of his car by his face. He was saved by his wife erupting into tears.2011-09-08 12:26:57
I have been sitting, listening to a co-worker complain in a ceaseless, obscenity-laden stream for nearly 30 minutes now. Someone kill me!2011-09-08 12:50:20
Wow…G+ agent was a bit slow on the pass-to-Twitter…a message from Tuesday night just made the transition2011-09-08 13:25:05
Jer Soup? :) RT @davehogg @jer_’s ego has now gotten to the point where he provides weekly recap shows of his life for us on Twitter.2011-09-08 13:43:04
RT @itv_news: Ban on gay men giving blood will be lifted on November 7th.2011-09-08 14:39:05
Correction: Nov 7 the ban on blood donations from men who have had any form of non-hetero sexual contact will now allow homosexual contact2011-09-08 14:41:39
A suspicious number of my followers are attractive women I’ve not met. Some say spammers; I say potential girlfriends! #GlassMostlyFull2011-09-08 14:47:44
Things I didn’t want to do today: have a simple Win7 install fail repeatedly. This thing came with 7, I upgraded to XP. Now I can’t go back?2011-09-09 02:17:21
This thing is like a scorned fiance. Listen Windows 7, I know I hurt your feelings when I ditched you for an older OS, but I’m back now!2011-09-09 02:19:38
Or I could be a complete moron and this came with Vista and doesn’t support 7…there’s that too…2011-09-09 02:36:58
Ber made the basketball team! First practice was tonight and she came home really geeked about it!2011-09-09 02:44:04
Time to (finally) meet with the Holiday Inn about @constructacon…2011-09-09 14:03:17
Meeting went well, and the Holiday Inn is going to take care of us…more info to come soon! #ConStruct2011-09-09 14:53:52
It occurs to me that not everyone knows, Midwest Fan Zine ( has a calendar of ‘local’ conventions: 17:39:02
RT @shadowspar: we relive 9/11 every day; it shows in the fear reflected in our paranoid & xenophobic laws. do we really need all these …2011-09-10 00:25:35
RT @michaelocc: WARNING: if you see tweets offering free clip of the new Nickelback album DO NOT CLICK. It links to a free clip of the n …2011-09-10 00:27:55
Holy shit yes! RT @CompSciFact 10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) from @fogus 02:43:12
I probably should have asked before I made arrangements…a stripper is okay for the bachelor party right @7heBigBadWolf & @Rivergirl27AMC?2011-09-10 22:57:21
Stripper was awesome! I’m pretty sure that was a full chub @7heBigBadWolf had pressing against the stripper’s balloon knot…2011-09-11 02:18:58
Sharon McCandy danced for @7heBigBadWolf’s bachelor party tonight…for those that asked, I’m told that photos and video are coming soon!2011-09-11 06:45:00
Fact: when hiking a neon orange Speedo up into your ass to turn it into a thong, be careful not to viciously crush a testicle. #OneToGrowOn2011-09-11 06:47:59
I am covered in glitter. Also, I have a heart shaved into my chest hair, which I forgot about until I looked down #GreatBachelorParty2011-09-11 14:04:16
For those waiting for video of Sharon McCandy’s latest show, enjoy some behind-the-scenes footage courtesy of @atdt1991 17:01:54
It’s been 90 days since I started trying to shed this fat suit. I have SO…MANY…WORDS about it! 17:30:21
RT @peterjurich: The Detroit Free Press should be embarrassed that it employs Mitch Albom.2011-09-11 18:07:43
Favorite thing I’ve heard so far today: “All this 9/11 coverage on social media can die in a fire!” #911Bloopers2011-09-11 18:09:46
In response to a discussion about me walking through a messy room: “So you were right at ground zero?” #911Bloopers2011-09-11 18:36:41
Every single maudlin post today was made worth it by @meganamram’s contribution… 02:11:42
This is, in fact, pretty much always the problem… RT @AaronThul “The problem is you are twisting and you need to be thrusting”2011-09-12 02:19:41
RT @ashedryden: On the difference between Good Dogs and Dogs That Need a Newspaper Smack 14:09:38
Holy crap…the Embassy Suites in Romulus is gorgeous!2011-09-12 16:07:55
This is what we were “never forget”-ing on Sunday, right? Classy, America… #NotProudToBeAnAmerican2011-09-13 12:39:02
Grrr…Holiday Inn Livonia…managing to find a way to screw up the process of fixing a screw up. Kudos?2011-09-14 14:56:59
My productivity is being ruined…work’s firewall now halts traffic to my SVN instance…so checking out my work is done today…*sigh*2011-09-14 20:32:41
And yes, for those keeping score at home, I’m the sort of guy that revision controls his documents and paperwork :)2011-09-14 20:33:41
Umm… I might be way low on calories…apparently the calculator I was using was way, way off…now to figure out how to correct…2011-09-15 01:40:06
I wish this was a euphemism for anything… RT @Ellalthea Just plucked @jer_’s unabrow with my teeth! Prouder of this than I should be.2011-09-15 02:21:58
Google is starting to open up the Plus APIs…very exciting stuff! 01:11:40
I just submitted my request for an invite to @TedxDetroit…made me think quite a bit about Detroit, and my possible role in its rebirth.2011-09-16 12:16:07
There are no fully functional SVN clients for Android that don’t suck. Yet another project on the queue of things I’ve no time for :(2011-09-16 18:06:19
“Please email me a list of those dates so I can do what you’re asking”…*no email*…”Why didn’t you do what I need!! YOU ARE A BAD DAD!”2011-09-16 20:39:44
I just said to my son “How do you have to tell me about something if you want me to actually do it?” He responded “Email you, of course.”2011-09-16 20:47:02
Twitter is taunting me. I’m watching people get confirmed for @TEDxDetroit and speed-clicking ‘refresh’ on my inbox. :)2011-09-16 21:02:55
RT @TEDxDetroit: @RandyTheRandom We’re interested in organizing a “Keep @jer_ out of TEDxDetroit” charity drive. Start the bidding at $5? ;)2011-09-17 02:41:47
One site visit down, and on my way to the next. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday morning.2011-09-17 15:32:38
Done with hotels for the day…it went well, but I’m glad to be done. Now for BWW lunch!2011-09-17 18:29:12
Does anybody have the ability to rip video from a mini DV to a computery-type file? It is probably not port…2011-09-17 20:50:18
Porn, that is… (what it’s probably not)2011-09-17 20:51:33
Productive day! Got some things done for an event client, made forward progress for a software client, and did much work on my company site.2011-09-18 03:42:50
Geralyn is up doing makeup, and I got to help with last-minute setup. Now to kill two hours :) #AnnaRyanWedding2011-09-18 15:58:42
On a related note, this site is utterly gorgeous! This is going to be a remarkably beautiful wedding. #AnnaRyanWedding2011-09-18 16:07:59
Crap…forgot my tablet, or I could be getting work done!2011-09-18 16:30:26
They could not have asked for a more perfect day for this…both bride and groom look awesome, too! #AnnaRyanWedding2011-09-18 18:31:46
The bridal party coming in skipping and dancing to a techno “99 Luftballoons” was inspired. #AnnaRyanWedding2011-09-18 19:50:06
By the way, the wedding party is ridiculously hot! Bridesmaids, bride, mother of the bride, random hot chicks… <3 #AnnaRyanWedding2011-09-18 19:55:37
No, now it’s their first dance as husband and wife; NOW I should cut in! I adore that they’re dancing to “Beautiful Freak” #AnnaRyanWedding2011-09-18 22:10:18
“Do you take this bride”…”fuck you, I EARNED this bride!” RT @nadams5755 @jer_ keep reading that as #aynrandwedding2011-09-19 00:04:11
A fantastic wedding, we all had a great time :) Thank you for inviting us to your big day, @7heBigBadWolf and @Rivergirl27amc!2011-09-19 01:19:38
My favorite #FirstWorldProblem is that now you’ll have to have accounts with TWO whole companies in order to get streaming and DVD movies!2011-09-19 10:51:56
Developers: If your bugtracking auto-closes reports for no activity, try to remember that “failing to fix a bug” is no activity. #Reopening2011-09-19 15:15:33
Registered for @TEDxDetroit finally! (and huge thanks to the planners for helping fix my inability to type my own email address) #happyJer2011-09-20 02:42:39
At Amber’s first basketball game. There is a little girl, #13, who is utterly fearless out there!2011-09-20 21:46:29
Amber’s first rotation just ended…she did a really nice job, forced a turnover and pulled down a rebound.2011-09-20 21:47:36
. @atdt1991 it’s easiest just to ignore @evilgeniustodd’s weight-based ignorance. You can teach a pig to sing or a Todd not to judge. #moo2011-09-20 23:48:56
I need a douchebag jar! For…you know…douches, not me…2011-09-21 01:36:08
“The New Girl” was awesome. It’s been said, but @therealzooeyd’s Jess is a spot-on @carollelogram impression. Love all the characters.2011-09-21 02:15:17
Wow, seriously, if you ever have a chance to work with the @holidayinn in Livonia, run away screaming. Better off lighting cash on fire…2011-09-21 02:58:36
An explanation as to how the @holidayinn Livonia managed to take crappy service and make it worse: 03:27:53
RT @daveanthony: “Not since the Netflix disaster has America faced something as horrible as the new Facebook layout” – Obama 9/21/112011-09-21 12:53:05
RT @TEDxDetroit: psst. TEDx Detroit is one week from today. Join us as we share positive ideas, innovations and inspiration from Detroit …2011-09-21 14:58:48
RT @TEDxDetroit: Last call for invites. Request one TODAY. 14:59:03
Just got a mysterious update for my Xoom…no changelog from Motorola yet, so no idea what it did. Hopefully it stabilizes the Gmail app.2011-09-22 11:13:01
Awkward moment of the week: tweeting about daughter’s middle school game without noticing I was logged into joke account…@BONER_PARTY_USA2011-09-22 12:52:33
Wedding dress shopping…yay?2011-09-22 23:29:26
Red isn’t too slutty, is it? RT @thetart @jer_: I don’t think white will look good on you, go for more of a cream.2011-09-22 23:46:50
Trying to decide if only one jar of kimchee for tomorrow’s trip will do, or if I need both…2011-09-23 00:47:34
Was going to clip my toenails, but I’m going to have time to kill in the car tomorrow… #RoadTrip2011-09-23 00:55:37
rofl…well played! RT @Sheryl67 @jer_ @Ellalthea. You should have said you weren’t gonna ride with us…I would have packed more.2011-09-23 00:56:44
Wow, written like folks that aren’t from the east coast. High temperatures were generally not our focus… 01:57:49
Ohio, we are in you…Pennsylvania, don’t be jealous, you’re next… #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-23 13:38:45
“That guy’s got a penis!” -@atdt1991 #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-24 01:19:24
If anyone gets us kicked out of this bar, it won’t be me, it won’t be @RandyTheRandom…it’s gonna be @Sheryl67 #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-24 02:13:03
Bartender: “Do you want to run a tab?”
@Sheryl67: “You’re mom wants to run a tab!”
#GocayLoveTrip2011-09-24 02:15:39 -
“Can I stick my straw in it?” -Nuri #gocaylovetrip2011-09-24 02:34:21
And @nurigocay just obtained Sambuca for @gamrillen!!! #Gocaylovetrip2011-09-24 02:54:55
Breakfast at a cute little diner in town, and there’s an antique book store across the street… #Gocaylovetrip2011-09-24 14:37:54
Holy crap…Holbert, NY is full of bookstores. I’m never going home! #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-24 15:13:02
I just found a 1955 Oxford Universal Dictionary and a 1960 Advanced Engineering Mathematics textbook <32011-09-24 15:35:54
err…Hobart, not Holbert RT @jer_ Holy crap…Holbert, NY is full of bookstores. I’m never going home! #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-24 15:41:42
The wedding was awesome, but no phone/Internet…so I stored our tweets. Sorry for the incoming spam! #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:08:53
“I thought that bear was a person!”…”How do you confuse the two?”…”Have you seen my husband?” -@EnigmaNo2 #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:12:11
At a wedding in Roxbury, NY, the officiant just started a sentence with “What is love?” #BabyDontHurtMe #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:14:03
The officiant looks like a love-child of Penn Gillette and Al Yankovich, but even that union wouldn’t be as cool as this guy #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:17:02
I shit you not, as the bride made her entrance looking stunning, a chipmunk scurried by like Janet was Snow White. #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:19:01
I abhor brussel sprouts. The ones served here are amazing. The food is outstanding! #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:20:35
“What’s this, the Dewey decimal lottery?” -@atdt1991 referring to some religious books being listed as fiction/sci fi. #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:22:37
“Woooh…I don’t know why I’m so loose!” -@Sheryl67 #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:24:15
“So, I see you still have your pants on…nevermind…wow, that was quick…” #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:25:55
New pickup line: “So, Becky, I hear you’re looking for a place to stay tonight?…No?…I must have been wishing.” #SoSmooth #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:28:35
“I haven’t quiffed in a really long time…” #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:29:14
“Jer’s gonna throw me some inappropriate dachshund later…” #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:30:29
*While singing ‘Bad Romance’ as a wedding party*
“Perhaps this isn’t the most appropriate song for today?” #gocaylovetrip2011-09-25 06:33:00 -
This was an amazing wedding. Twice this week we’ve witnessed the union of pairs of people we adore. #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 06:34:44
“You never go cat to mouth” -@atdt1991 #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 12:48:54
Coitus Interruptus: your friends yelling up through the vent that she’s in the “danger zone” at that crucial moment… #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 13:23:24
RT @GiniJudd: GUIDE TO ONLINE PRIVACY: Assume everyone sees what you write. If you can’t live w/ consequences of what you’re saying, don …2011-09-25 18:07:15
Just jammed my index finger forcibly into my wife’s left eye. I am not attaining the coveted “husband of the year” trophy. #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 22:09:55
“I just have to suck it up as fast as it’s coming out!” -@atdt1991 #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 22:18:23
On the ride home from attending the second wedding in a week I navel-gaze about my relationship some. So…many…words 22:32:24
Oh Friendly’s, how your menu designers have wronged you! #GocayLoveTrip2011-09-25 22:38:56
Oops…#GocayLoveTrip RT @jer_ @Sheryl67 @RandyTheRandom @Ellalthea @atdt1991 FRED SAVAGE2011-09-25 23:43:23
I <3 hating things publicly! Also, I enjoy basing my hatred on minimal information! I HATE ALL THE THINGS YOU LIKE!2011-09-26 03:37:48
Just read the first paragraph of a new novel…seriously disappointing! Real people are way cooler than my brief exposure to this fiction!2011-09-26 03:55:46
A great trip home capped off a really fun weekend! #GocayLoveTrip is at an end, but the #GocayLove is definitely not :)2011-09-26 04:29:40
RT @TEDxDetroit: Deadline for TEDxDetroit 2011 tickets is NOON TODAY. Two hours to grab your ticket: 14:02:24
I find it fairly annoying that I have to disable the Chrome PDF viewer to rotate .pdfs. This seems pretty basic, eh?2011-09-26 16:33:00
I am annoyed when a class uses a coursepack but doesn’t have a method of buying it in electronic format.2011-09-26 17:32:21
I am way excited to attend @TEDxDetroit on Wednesday! Aside from @RandyTheRandom and @atdt1991 is there anyone else I know going?2011-09-26 21:58:45
Slowly creeping toward parking at #TEDxDetroit2011-09-28 12:19:55
Just finished making a big, muddy ‘X’ for the group photo… #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 13:08:55
What I learned in session 1: use right AND left brain -@LexKuhne (1/2) #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 15:32:58
Ask questions, listen to the answer -@MatthewDibble; let the idea market itself -@RobBlissGR; and tons more! (2/2)
#TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 15:33:14 -
“Building empathy in kids will reduce the murder rate fast than building prisons…” -@bobbycsmith #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 16:10:22
I understand there’s a live feed of the talks for those interested (probably why there’s no Internet) #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 17:09:06
Hearing about the benefits of play from @RowdyDad reminds me of similar talks from @avantgame at @penguicon, pax, and TED #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 19:02:31
Hearing @cooliocharlie’s story about building relationships as a teacher was seriously inspiring…good stuff! #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 21:37:11
The Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences Choir is bringing us to a close by KILLING with “Detroit State of Mind” #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 22:09:45
For real, I was tearing up a bit there… Powerful. #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-28 22:11:34
RT @CharlieCurve: We’re all recharged. Let’s go bring remarkable stuff to life. #makeithappen #TEDx #Detroit2011-09-29 13:40:36
I’ve been waiting for @DaveSFoley’s new show “How to be a Gentleman”…so far, it’s hilarious. Makes me want to be intimate with a sock!2011-09-30 01:33:51
RT @jefflundberg: The U.S. collected $899 billion in income taxes in 2010. A flat tax at 10% would have brought in $1,236 billion—that w …2011-09-30 03:04:17
Amber’s homecoming parade is on a mighty chilly day…when I’m on the uncomfortable side, it’s probably cold!2011-09-30 21:33:05
RT @TWAYco: Attempt to sum up the entire @TEDxDetroit conference in one-liners from each featured speaker: #TEDx # …2011-10-01 00:52:59
As far as smart planning goes, staying up until 3am working on code is not high on the list, but at least it’s pay-code for a client…eh?2011-10-01 07:15:55
If I don’t sleep in, I have hopes that tomorrow I can make progress on watching 9hrs of lectures, prep for work, groceries, 3 blog posts…2011-10-01 07:19:24
…2 client deliverables, bills, studying, dinner, time with the kids, and arranging a trip to Chicago in November. No sweat, right?2011-10-01 07:26:22
Quick…who can send me a copy of the audio of @bfarrugi’s rendition of “Your So Vain”?2011-10-01 19:10:20
RT @TheBloggess: “Lady Bacon” is trending. I can only assume this is the new euphemism for “vagina.” Let’s use it incessantly.2011-10-01 20:16:59
I retweeted the last solely so I can retweet the following…2011-10-01 20:18:20
RT @TheBloggess: I told Nicole to wear underwear but she wouldn’t listen. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR LADY BACON, NICOLE.2011-10-01 20:18:27
RT @LOLGOP: It’s official. More people have been arrested for protesting Wall Street than for crashing our economy.2011-10-02 16:48:25
Save me from completely unsanitized database data…also, rolling from single-table to somewhat normalized RDB is painful. Head meet desk.2011-10-02 22:32:53
RT @daveanthony: BofA customers should make November “write a check” month. Stop using debit cards and write checks for everything. See …2011-10-03 01:31:58
I never thought of this! RT @jzb Conference organizers: Why don’t you have a Twitter list of all your speakers / companies exhibiting?2011-10-03 13:30:04
Every so often, while working on work stuff, I am reminded that I have about 9 hours of lecture video to watch…oh wait, it’ll be 12 today!2011-10-03 18:10:43
I want to hire a part-time personal assistant. I didn’t even realize I could hire such a thing, I thought they were all fulltime!2011-10-03 18:22:52
Heh, crazy-awesome! RT @gamrillen: I enjoy giving @Jer_ crazy ideas.2011-10-03 18:31:42
Hrmm…gmail is down? How am I supposed to obsessively check for new messages?2011-10-04 11:24:26
Happiness might be many things. One thing that it isn’t is finding out today that you have a presentation and a homework due tonight!2011-10-04 23:43:08
On the other hand, happiness can be found in using my tablet to whip together a presentation based on an idea I’ve wanted to do for a while!2011-10-05 00:51:19
In which I blog about a failure in my task management system… 01:08:36
Alright, all you people acting all happy on social media this AM… :) (courtesy of @dshugars)2011-10-05 12:14:17
This is the most zoomed-out view of my tasks that Chrome will allow. I might have let things get back to normal again! 13:37:24
Worse: this isn’t particularly granualar…many of these items are broad, and all have time estimates in the 30min to 10hr range.2011-10-05 13:37:51
My thoughts on Steve Job’s death wouldn’t fit in a Tweet… 05:28:18
8 days and counting… #ominous2011-10-06 11:36:57
Love the ad! RT @tiarala .@GirlSixx and I are launching what will hopefully become our boutique agency! 14:52:13
RT @LOLGOP: Sarah Palin is improving. She’s now quitting jobs she can never even get.2011-10-06 14:54:28
Okay…at Amber’s ball game again, studiously NOT tweeting as BONER_PARTY_USA. Hoping for a better game than the 7th grade 50 point loss.2011-10-06 21:42:57
Holy crap, Ber’s team is way, way better than last time I saw them!2011-10-06 21:47:20
Two weeks ago, these girls played a defense called “mob the ball”…today, nearly perfect zone. Covering players needs work, but wow!2011-10-06 21:52:40
Seriously…some box and one and triangle and two (or a former that degenerated into the latter)…and at the half it’s only a 14 point game2011-10-06 22:07:32
Apparently that ball is unaffected by gravity, though…our girls have not been introduced to the “bounce pass” #AllHailMarys2011-10-06 22:14:58
My flurry of sports tweets is at an end…we didn’t win, but the girls played their asses off…2011-10-06 22:38:03
Companies: If you insist on wasting my time with synchronous communication (phone) for everything, you are not going to be used again…2011-10-07 12:59:53
It is ridiculously foggy out…like, Stephen King should write a horror story about this fog…oh, nevermind…2011-10-08 12:57:08
More posty-ness on my school blog: A letter to a high school teacher…2011-10-08 18:01:28
Bloody hell…it’s cheat day, I want sushi!!2011-10-08 18:52:18
The response by @adrants and @FletcherPrince about the @TheBloggess/@BrandlinkComm thing in the comments here 19:56:40
OMG, now I want Sushi Pizza…and a trip to the ER, I suspect RT @atdt1991: @jer_ sushi pizza?2011-10-08 20:05:56
okay, must find food, then back to grading…2011-10-08 20:59:23
To those that we told how gorgeous @nurigocay and Janet’s wedding was…we weren’t shitting you: #GocayLoveTrip2011-10-09 00:07:56
Nothing can make me write code more quickly, emphatically, and incorrectly as listening to Muse. Time to rewrite 8 minutes of work!!2011-10-09 01:24:38
Okay, enough of this reading for Data Mining…sleep time!2011-10-09 05:29:02
I’m not going to lie, working while I listen to my wife watching the new MLP show is super cute. :)2011-10-09 13:58:47
I have a hard time hearing students complain about the quantity of homework they have to do…for each assignment you do, I grade 40+!2011-10-09 14:34:02
Omg…want so bad! RT @Sheryl67 I know what @Jer_ is getting for X-mas… 00:48:17
Hey, @hulu, your free trial of plus would be way more compelling if your service worked on the Xoom, or Galaxy S, or anything I use…2011-10-12 01:39:52
No thanks, @hulu…I’ll stick to cable, where I also don’t wait weeks for content…2011-10-12 01:40:29
Truth! RT @catvalente The truest comic ever drawn: 17:40:22
Generally, I am not a huge fan of jQuery, but it does make AJAX so simple, it’s hard not to fall a little in love with it…2011-10-13 15:23:29
RT @LOLGOP: I’m pretty sure if you could bash Obama while playing a pipe and shouting “9-9-9” you could lead 30% of the Republican party …2011-10-13 15:23:53
I get it, basketball is non-contact, but the refs are a bit overzealous on the foul calls here… #AmbersGame2011-10-13 22:04:26
Berkley’s team is playing great ball…Ber’s team is not playing their best…the score represents this fairly adequately…2011-10-13 22:17:47
At the half, we’re down 14. offensively, we are doing reasonably well; defensively, not so much. Also, still no bounce passes :( #AmbersGame2011-10-13 22:28:47
Holy shit! If basketball had “goons” like hockey, our #24 would be one. She has the most tackles in the game so far. Not good.. #AmbersGame2011-10-13 22:45:28
Anybody have a favorite massage therapist that might be able to take a last minute appointment locally, here? Just…you know…for a friend2011-10-14 11:37:33
Oh Panera, give to me your good coffee and delicious free wifis!2011-10-14 15:22:23
The dude sitting next to us at Panera to create…except, you know, there already is a…2011-10-14 15:23:30
Me: “Sorry to interrupt, but I overheard…are you talking about hosting lectures about technology, entertainment, and design?”
Him: “Yes!”2011-10-14 16:28:08 -
Me: “That sounds amazing…you should make sure that is conveyed by the title…”
Him: “How so?”
Me: “Like an acronym or something…”2011-10-14 16:29:59 -
Him: “So this is of interest to you?”
Me: “I can honestly say that the site you are describing is right up my alley!”
#NotAGoodPerson2011-10-14 16:32:33 -
God, I hope I convinced him to name it TED….2011-10-14 16:42:19
Nothing in this world gives me more of a false sense of superiority than overhearing “important people” be loudly important in public.2011-10-14 17:07:40
(I say “false sense of superiority”, but secretly I really think I’m superior) #FalseHumility #SecretsShattered2011-10-14 17:10:03
««Snarky response»» RT @PassiveAggressivePerson: ««passive-aggressive statement»»2011-10-15 17:18:23
(yes, there is some delicious, Alanis Morriset-style irony in that tweet)2011-10-15 17:22:32
“The thing is, he made child molestation not funny…” -@atdt19912011-10-15 18:01:34
Holy shit, who the hell beat me with a bat last night!? Oh, wait, I meant “beat me with a whirlyball cart”…2011-10-16 14:07:13
This weekend was a lot of fun, and much needed relaxation…but fun-time is over…time to put my head down and catch up!! #AllWorkNoPlay2011-10-17 13:14:09
I am terrible at sending things to the right person…so I just told a friend that I loved her and can’t wait to see her…this is common :)2011-10-18 01:39:14
There are no truer words in this universe… RT @BrandonBlott “next to knowing is knowing where to find out”2011-10-18 03:44:19
I have finally watched enough of my back lectures to only be 9 hours behind. Umm…yay, I guess? *sigh* #DifferenceMaker2011-10-18 14:28:51
Interesting that Go and Agda 2 made it RT @CompSciFact Programming language development: the past 5 years by @fogus2011-10-19 13:23:15
Just posted an entry about how bad I am at online classes on my school blog: 15:43:55
As atrocious as I am at online classes, I can’t stand not having an e- version of textbooks. I am 2000% less likely to read without it2011-10-19 17:18:07
.@jefflundberg @nadams5755 computers don’t shift jobs and create wealth…they shift jobs and redistribute wealth, you fucking hippies! :p2011-10-19 19:33:45
Fuck…who has 2 thumbs and forgot to obtain dinner? This guy!! Wish I could eat those two thumbs…2011-10-19 23:19:52
The problem is, where do you turn for this sort of banking? RT @jzb Diaspora Becomes PayPal’s Latest Victim on @RWW2011-10-19 23:46:49
Apparently, if you were to type ‘Pearl Jam’ into Pandora, you would listen to the soundtrack that backed my life in the 90s.2011-10-20 14:13:15
Good day, overall…great news for the wife, good play and good report card for Ber…I can’t ask for much better :) Ready for sleep though.2011-10-21 02:37:23
Wow, awesome collection! RT @CompSciFact Dictionary of algorithms and data structures via @proglog2011-10-21 02:45:11
RT @msksali: Those who can, teach/those who can’t, wimp out and get some cushy, high paying job :-) #teacher2011-10-21 03:12:05
Oooh…Cyanogenmod for the Galaxy S!2011-10-21 04:45:51
Ugh, why do I do this to myself. I need to stay on-task, but I just installed a new ROM on my phone, so I keep pausing to play…!!!2011-10-21 14:07:31
I gave a class a bonus 20min to work on a midterm, and I just got an email complaining that the extra time had insufficient notice?!? *sigh*2011-10-21 18:56:47
So what’s going on tonight? Entertain me! :p2011-10-21 20:40:33
I am currently deeply in love with Andrea, and Costco’s pharmacy tech… <32011-10-21 20:56:07
RT @sickipediabot: There’s no ‘i’ in rape
Which is why there’s a gang of us
2011-10-22 13:29:34 -
Might have unplugged my phone while it was loading. Might have bricked… Heh… Might be obtaining a new phone to hold me over…2011-10-22 22:14:40
Crisis averted…replacement phone is on its way…I just have to hold out until Tuesday…with my daughter’s poor substitute for a phone.2011-10-22 23:54:14
“What’s wrong with his leg? Why the fuck is it stanky?” -@Sheryl67 watching the Stanky Leg video2011-10-23 00:37:44
“Kindles are just like puppies, except Kindles don’t shit on your floor.” -@Sheryl67 #ShitMySherylSays2011-10-23 00:47:17
“This is the first time I have voluntarily disagreed with you” -@Sheryl67 to me #ShitMySherylSays2011-10-23 00:54:27
Well, America, it was good while it lasted, but we’re about done here. Where does the revolution start? 13:09:49
My guess is that History classes of the future will call this last decade the middle of our rapid, Roman Empire-esque decline. #EtTuBarack2011-10-23 13:16:33
(Other hashtags I wanted to use for last post: #BewareThePridieIdesOfSept, #LetThemEatKFC, #LivingOnOurKnees, #AssuredlyHangingSeparately)2011-10-23 13:38:02
Time to abuse my task list some more…work work work day!!! Who works a full day on a Sunday? Archer’s mother would say, “Immigrants”2011-10-23 14:50:36
I’d love you forever, @nookBN, if you would sync my annotations to the PC & let me see physical page nums #HardToStudyOnANook2011-10-23 14:56:51
Bloody hell…to whom did I loan my entire collection of Perl references? Grrr. To the Internet!2011-10-23 19:48:37
It’s trite to say “this”, but there is no way I could express my problems with sex-negative feminism better… 00:35:19
RT @thetart: @jer_: sex-negative feminism does nothing *for* women, especially when feminism is (supposedly) about having choices and se …2011-10-24 03:03:30
Okay, when *I* am the one saying you are being a dick in correspondence, things have clearly gotten far off the rails. Brake check!2011-10-24 12:02:44
I’m just going to leave this right here… 12:15:36
For @Ellalthea RT @demigoose Clarke’s First Law of Ponies: any sufficiently advanced friendship is indistinguishable from magic.2011-10-24 12:21:14
Okay, today it’s finish homework, lessons, and study for Tuesday’s midterm. Also, hopefully a blog post on the school blog…and a shower…2011-10-24 15:02:50
You know it’s destined to be a good day when you troubleshoot a function for nearly 30 minutes before you see you commented the call…2011-10-24 16:28:10
RT @kellyoxford: God bless the girls who write excuse captions like “Me, bored!” when they post a photo of their tits hanging out.2011-10-24 16:28:23
Why can’t I sleep? Oh, didn’t take my pill..duh…*sigh* long day2011-10-25 04:07:25
Fixing the connection between my main Twitter and a facebook page (not an account) is non-intuitive like being non-intuitive is a sport.2011-10-25 04:11:50
Alrighty, we’re gonna try that sleep thing again…maybe. :)2011-10-25 04:27:15
Spent the last two hours cramming as much statistics into my head as I could. This midterm is unlikely to go “well”… #GoodByeGPA2011-10-25 21:51:50
Chapter 6 is the one I’m weakest on. The prof just said “be careful, question 8 is from chapter 6 and is 35% of the grade” #UhOh2011-10-25 22:09:54
That could have been worse…if someone has been paid to beat me about the head and neck during the exam. Banking on partial credit…2011-10-26 00:03:55
Lol! RT @Kristina_Blott These vegan patties are delicious. Even better with cheese.2011-10-26 14:54:35
Hey America, remember when Lybian police started getting increasingly violent with protesters? Glad we’re not there! 10:24:42
Truth! RT @edbott: Every time I click an link from a search results page, I end up regretting it. Every. Single. Time.2011-10-27 14:04:26
Fucking @twitter. Stop turning everything vaguely link-like into a link. If I wanted that, I’m capable of doing so…2011-10-27 14:05:04
I just opened an Office 2003 file in Office 2010. I removed an apostrophe. The new file is just over double the size. Nicely done!2011-10-27 20:07:52
Note to self: rearrange my work schedule for next semester so that I don’t get off at rush hour ever again2011-10-27 21:05:31
So what’s shakin’ tonight? When I’m done with the current multi-hour queue of work, I’m sure I’m going to want a break…anything going on?2011-10-28 16:23:00
Oh my god, just work already, idiotic program…I don’t want to be stuck working all frickin’ day!2011-10-29 17:25:14
Just…for those swapping their G+ over to their own domain… Ooops, Google! :P2011-10-29 18:16:55
Lmao… Truth! RT @krondor @jer_ I think all apps users should already have a clear idea by now that Google hates them.2011-10-29 20:32:16
RT @fireland: Is there anything better than cuddling under your favorite quilt and sipping apple cider on a crisp autumn evening aside f …2011-10-30 02:04:32
A Christmas Tree too Weak for a Noose #rejectedPeanutsSpecials2011-10-30 14:55:26
Bloody hell…Costco on a Sunday: just don’t…ever…2011-10-30 19:02:18
Top *mobile* platform #StatsLies RT @arbornetworks Android now top malware platform with 46% market share. 19:48:40
Loving @boxdotnet as an alternative to Dropbox…but until I can sync files to Android devices automatically, it’s still second place for me2011-10-31 03:48:11
Yet another idea on the spike of “when I have time”–the most frustrating part of coming up with things I want to create is having zero time2011-10-31 14:03:55
Also, I’m only moderately embarrassed that I’m actually enjoying this Katy Perry album while I work. #IDontEvenKnowWhoIAm2011-10-31 14:29:51
RT @emilygalati: If you tweeted RIP James and Lilly Potter today, I assume your obit will read, “He died a virgin. Never expelliarmus-ed.”2011-10-31 14:58:23
RT @GeorgeTakei: Kim Kardashian files for divorce after 72 days. Another example of how same-sex marriage is destroying the sanctity of …2011-10-31 21:26:15
I’m never so busy that I can’t get sidetracked for 40 minutes on stupid, inane crap that I don’t have time for. #StupidInternet #BackToWork2011-11-01 13:24:52
RT @Broslife: Ummm, why’s this counting down? 21:52:31
RT @mwollan: Oakland police union posts letter to citizens: “As your police officers, we are confused.” #occupyoakland2011-11-03 11:14:33
Weight Loss Update 2: Electric Fatty-Loo 17:02:33
I made a little post detailing some quantitative stats about my “diet”… 19:00:38
As much of that info as can go into my skull in two hours has done so…let’s pour it out onto an exam paper now!2011-11-03 21:29:49
That could have sucked less. Having an unexplained bout of gastrointestinal distress mid-exam was unenjoyable…still, coulda been worse!2011-11-03 22:25:34
Say the Texas judge child-beating video…now there’s a kid that just doesn’t listen…2011-11-04 17:24:43
For over two weeks, I have been having what feels like a constant, low-grade asthma attack. I’m not a fan, so much.2011-11-04 19:49:00
Just introduced myself to a guy because he had “Requitas” and “Veritas” tattoos on his hands… #IWantThatToo #BoondockSaints2011-11-04 20:38:38
“Maps” is playing at the bar…I miss Rock Band at the Castle!2011-11-05 01:49:26
A bit of embloggination over on the school blog… 13:49:10
On my way to officiate a wedding…more on that later!2011-11-05 19:07:59
Turns out, the “asthma” problems I’ve been having are now accompanied by a cough, much phlegm, and a bleh feeling. Why can’t I breathe!?2011-11-05 21:15:17
Also, severe shortness of breath and major phlegm did wonders for my public speaking. No volume and dizziness when I talk too long.2011-11-05 21:21:41
Wedding is officiated! All went well and bride and groom are husband and wife…congratulations Krista and Trevor!2011-11-05 22:13:50
Hah! That’s funny, in a “let them eat cake” sorta way… 11:14:29
At this time, I have no idea what time it is….I think all of my timepieces auto-adjust for DST, but…2011-11-06 11:55:59
My quickie write-up of the wedding I officiated this weekend: Now with bonus content, the words I said! :)2011-11-07 02:07:58
RT @louisck: My new standup special will only be on to stream or download, WORLDWIDE for $5. starts 12/10/11. ants.2011-11-07 03:41:50
Okay, this Data Mining text is really well written from a dry-reading perspective, but I am not feeling it this evening…2011-11-07 04:32:42
I was really hoping that a line of investigation I’d missed would not yield fruit…but OMG so much info is within two hops from Twitter!2011-11-07 16:19:49
Guys, if you want a quick glimpse as to why it might suck to be a woman on the Internet, follow #MenCallMeThings and see… *sigh*2011-11-08 13:14:01
5 hours. 5 hours of non-stop lecturing is apparently my limit. Too bad I have one more and a presentation to go… #ExhaustedAndHoarse2011-11-08 21:04:04
I have never dropped more information more quickly than on my presentation. I’m hoping that made it onto the course video…heh2011-11-09 02:14:34
Class has now run 40 minutes over. What I’ve learned: I wish I could hate people that read sideshows to me so hard they’d die in agony.2011-11-09 02:39:06
Makes me think of @AaronThul & @bddecker :) RT @lukejduncan I almost spit out my breakfast I laughed so hard at this 16:42:59
Next time a feminist asks why they sometimes aren’t taken seriously I’ll point them at this foolish shit #BlameShifting2011-11-10 05:45:36
For the database geeks among us…a brilliant discussion of CAP theory, NoSQL, and Hadoop. Very layman-understandable!2011-11-10 12:26:08
I just dumped a LOT of words onto my school blog blog. Sorry! (If I were really sorry, would I keep doing it?)2011-11-10 14:23:59
Umm…so when do we start the loyalty oaths, middle school? 04:09:17
RT @Penguicon: Sunday 11/13/11 @ Dearborn Hyatt: Programming meeting @ 1 PM, ConCom starting meeting @ 2 PM2011-11-11 12:10:34
RT @MattBesser: My improv podcast improv4humans debuts today! Please subscribe & spread the word #improv4humans2011-11-11 12:16:27
For @Ellalthea: 12:38:49
IHOP for breakfast? 30 minutes…watch a still not-quite-sober Ger eat waffles! #BetOnMessy2011-11-12 13:23:02
I bring parking justice! Requitas! RT @Ellalthea And @jer_ just called himself the boondock saint of car scratching2011-11-12 15:41:12
There are few things that make my nerdy heart happier than kicking back to read a new book from the @smashingmag or @oreillymedia catalog…2011-11-13 01:25:39
On my way to the @Penguicon ConCom meeting in Dearborn…with about zero notice, I hope people show…2011-11-13 16:43:20
RT @LisaLampanelli: I don’t mind Sasha Grey reading to that elementary school class. They really could’ve fucked up & used a coach from …2011-11-14 13:05:39
Lately, I have been starving every night… I don’t like it.2011-11-15 01:53:53
Exceptionally tired of having to perpetually be the responsible AND flexible one while everyone else gets to careen through life…2011-11-15 17:36:45
Wow…today is a “desperately in need of coffee” sort of day…2011-11-15 20:12:28
Nothing quite like going on autopilot for a few hours on some work, only to find that your autopilot does crappy work. #StartingOver2011-11-15 22:21:00
Why does a job I handed off because I have no time for it require more time than doing it myself would? I’m gonna stop answering email.2011-11-16 01:46:16
There’s a movie starring Thor, Charlize Theron, and Kristen Stewart? There’s going to be a LOT of masturbation in theaters…just from me!2011-11-16 13:11:06
Wait, NBC is benching ‘Community’ but Whintney Cummings’ infinite, insipid shit-shows remain running? That seems about right…2011-11-16 14:03:41
Dear co-workers. If I wanted calls about students on my cell phone, I’d have given them my number. Kthnxbai. *sigh*2011-11-16 15:32:31
Shittiest email I’ve had to draft in a long while: an email to Google saying “thanks but no thanks” to a job, because I can’t move to CA.2011-11-16 21:36:23
I’m pretty heartbroken, actually. I just have to convince myself that my dream job at my dream company will be available later.2011-11-16 21:36:43
Putting off taking your sleeping pill until 1am+ is fine; but don’t tell yourself that they’re not working when you’re tired.
Me2011-11-17 06:04:41 -
My belt, which was almost too small in June, is now almost too large… I #HumbleBrag2011-11-17 16:51:28
Nerdy Jer-fact…when I can’t sleep but I’m too tired to concentrate on work, I often download tech book samples to find good texts. #Nerd2011-11-18 06:42:31
It should be noted that these window-shopping trips often become expensive…#DamnYouSemanticWebRubyPythonPrologEtc2011-11-18 06:44:08
About to drop the Jeep at the shop…I’ll wager the walk back will be chilly… I <3 winter!2011-11-18 17:11:22
*sigh* Ignorance in action: Michele Bachmann is a moron, but she said: “if anyone **will not work**, neither should he eat”, not **can not**2011-11-18 22:21:41
If you cannot parse the difference between those words, get the fuck off social media, you never learned to read above the 3rd grade level.2011-11-18 22:22:25
There are plenty of reasons to hate that ignorant, hateful, ignorant, racist, ignorant scumbag. Your inability to read isn’t one of them.2011-11-18 22:23:54
Approved…motion carries RT @7heBigBadWolf Concom Girls Calendar. Start Jan with clothes and reduce each month. Dec is Jer with a Monokini2011-11-20 06:14:17
Sometimes I can’t decide if my insomnia is good or bad…it sure makes me productive…2011-11-20 09:12:53
I was watching some anime called Angel Beats while I worked over the weekend…sad ending. Slightly too distracting for background noise.2011-11-21 15:34:52
My writing has now been compared–for the 5th time–to that of David Foster Wallace. Time to read something he wrote. It better be good! :P2011-11-21 16:30:19
How I wish you were here. We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl…year after year…
Pandora is treating me well this AM.
2011-11-21 18:43:19 -
Ugh, first round of “things that need fixing” on my Jeep. Pretty close to a grand, which leaves the plugs/cables and suspension for later.2011-11-21 19:21:09
I’m just going to put this out there for those that need the information; my cheat day is Saturday, this would test it 19:38:29
I just sent a tweet to elementary school kids. You cannot fathom the amount of internal editing that went into such an endeavor.2011-11-21 19:40:40
Today’s background noise: “Bickford Schmeckler’s Cool Idea” Every time I look up, there’s another person in this that I love…2011-11-22 13:17:46
So far: @oliviawilde, @Lillardmatthew, @JohnTheCho, @ThomasLennon, Ben Garant, @RealCherylHines, @FranKranz, Tiffany Dupont…it’s nuts!2011-11-22 13:30:40
Jesus christ…@ClarkGregg is in this too. Also, what I thought was going to be a dumb, mindless comedy has turned cute and mildly deeper…2011-11-22 13:37:24
Humility: Receiving a crazy-mail from an ex and thinking “Yep, I made that decision once”. A reminder of your propensity for poor choices!2011-11-22 14:34:39
Some thoughts about social activities on UofM-Dearborn’s commuter campus. A small post for the short week :)2011-11-22 23:58:40
Would it be assault if I sprayed food into that dippy bitch Megyn Kelleys face? What if the “food” was pepper spray? 04:40:31
There’s a free album by Coldplay on Android Market. I found this out because of an article written by @tbquirk of Too Much Joy/Wonderlick2011-11-23 11:37:10
The important bit there is that Tim fucking Quirk of TMJ and Wonderlick is writing music reviews. How did I not know this? (Cc: @toph42)2011-11-23 11:37:59
I’m rather geeked. Perfect scores on my research presentation and report…and the only comment was “*Excellent!” Back to work! :)2011-11-23 12:30:31
Obvious! 13:11:07
“And I look for a bigger bang, than the kind I’m sorry to know…here I am first foot of the climb, watch me go”2011-11-23 13:18:47
Cool sounding gig. Sad I’m not a comm. major :) RT @tacordon: Communications Specialist opening at UM-Dearborn 14:02:50 -
Almost at the in-laws’ for turkey day :)2011-11-24 16:33:21
RT @kellygheesling: RT@jeffpulver:You owe it to yourself to live your own life and to follow your own dreams.Sometimes believing in your …2011-11-25 15:27:39
Good news of the day…Ger’s car is going to *also* run most of the way to a grand in repairs. Yay..? *sigh* Heh2011-11-25 20:01:57
And, at long last, I have finished the data mining homework I forgot about. Oops. :)2011-11-26 04:37:24
Lmao. @OMGUbuntu drops a logic bomb: don’t use distrowatch’s numbers for the popularity of a distro…use Facebook fan counts instead!!!!2011-11-27 16:22:54
Lol @Sheryl67…just so you know, that’s dinner… For the rest of you… 18:38:05
RT @thesulk: Just hung out a Hillshire Farms. Fucking sausage fest.2011-11-27 20:06:03
A cross-posted post about how I’m going to stop cross-posting. You’ll need a few drinks to track that logic… 02:42:29
Thing I’ve learned today: hearing a catchy song on Pandora and doing a search for “Lenka” is a different experience with safe search off.2011-11-28 12:10:02
RT @NotKennyRogers: I’m pretty sure 99% of the rest of the world would gladly trade places with the oppressed 99% here that spent $11.4 …2011-11-29 13:01:03
Each night, I gently hump my W54G as I go to sleep. Now I know why… 15:23:32
RT @capricecrane: Hey, girls watching the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, The “secret” is they’re all freaks of nature. Never doubt that …2011-11-30 03:59:02
GER! :( RT @GlRLTHINGS “Rawr” does NOT mean “I love you” in dinosaur. You ever seen Jurassic Park? It means,”I’m going to fucking eat you.”2011-11-30 21:59:09
Kind of important: does “cock-choking” sound more like it is throat fucking or mastubation? #DepositionQuestions2011-12-02 19:07:42
Many dollars of sushi fixings in my possession…victory is mine!2011-12-02 21:24:54
RT @msksali: Inspiring article! RT: Why the Best Kids Books Are Written in Blood cc: @lukejduncan #in2011-12-03 07:57:42
You misspelled “improved” ;) RT @Rivergirl27amc thank you @jer_ . My going through old email has just been interrupted by your balls.2011-12-03 18:59:37
I can’t stop laughing… RT @jzb Siri Now Trying Way Too Hard To Help People Get Abortions 01:38:17
I’ve posted a not-as-brief-as-it-should-have-been essay about the latest videos released from UC Davis. 15:44:29
Fuck you so hard in the face XQuery…2011-12-05 21:25:43
Oh look…yet again I have to unsubscribe from @theOfficialACM’s million spam lists. Sure glad I stopped paying for that crap…2011-12-07 04:27:53
And just like that…a shit mood for me. I just give…I can’t carry everybody anymore2011-12-07 12:58:02
I just dropped a new blog post, now with 20000% more whining, “Hip Deep in Pie”: (also with 0% actual pie, just saying)2011-12-07 18:41:51
RT @RandyTheRandom: Welcome to the founding of PubArmada, a “party-properly” organization. Drinks!2011-12-08 04:09:44
Background noise for the day…Sports Night, season 2, I forgot how OMG-hot Felicity Huffman can be2011-12-08 14:21:31
RT @mediapathic: RT @OxbloodRuffin: RT @coyotetoo: Homophobia: the fear that gay men will treat you the way you treat women.2011-12-09 12:36:39
RT @stevesilberman: Rick Perry’s gaybashing ad uses music by… #gay composer Aaron Copland. There *is* a God! #GOP 22:11:53
Before you get to cocky about how amazing the world we live in is, remember we live in a world where Gov. Perry is a non-joke candidate.2011-12-11 14:41:17
RT @louisck: so it’s at the top of my feed here LIVE AT THE BEACON is up at for $5. no DRM no spam no joining a thing.2011-12-11 15:52:48
Inspired by @BrandonBlott, I’m starting Psych over with S1E1 for work background noise. I heart @DuleHill, @_MaggieLawson & James Roday…2011-12-11 17:45:04
RT @warmowski: Once again, Iceland shows how it’s done: bank CEO, brokers arrested over collapse. Note: “arrested”, not “given bonus”. h …2011-12-12 10:32:23
Things I need… Caffeine, food, and any understanding of this material whatsoever2011-12-13 20:41:55
RT @louisck: for those wondering how the video is selling and whatnot… tomorrow: gift option and printable cover2011-12-14 03:55:12
I have been pondering doing a version of the Match Game at ‘Fusion. I think it would be fun to DO…I do not know how much fun to PLAY tho2011-12-14 15:35:05
Also, if I do this game…what are the odds I can convince one @carollelogram to co-host?2011-12-14 15:46:18
Okay, started a discussion thread on Google+ for the Match Game idea…and stuff…because I can…2011-12-14 16:13:13
Okay, started a discussion thread on the Google+ account.. And now I’ll even include the bloody link. #LongDay2011-12-14 16:19:46
Folks, it’s surprising when self-distribution works because it so rarely does. Disagree? Name a dozen. How hard were those last 6 to name?2011-12-14 18:53:33
We should have a conference call to say that we’re going to handle the discussion via email…we’ll follow up via a later conference call!!2011-12-16 02:00:11
RT @toph42: Happy Birthday, Bill of Rights. Sorry the Government hates you, but we The People still love you.2011-12-16 03:22:27
RT @Jesus_M_Christ: The problem with sending Kim Jong Il to Hell is that Hell is better than North Korea.2011-12-19 03:50:11
Some important medical information in public service announcement format…plus outtakes!! 16:17:57
RT @mlabriola: Lego is launching a product line for girls. Someone should tell them that they already have one; its called legos.2011-12-20 12:20:33
Seriously…if you’re going to bother me with con stuff that is entirely unrelated to me…don’t be a twat when I tell you how to fix it…2011-12-20 17:37:14
This message brought to you by the FOUR fucking people who apparently cannot grasp simple answers this week. *sigh*2011-12-20 17:37:50
It’s dark out…does that mean Hanukkah has started? If so, I’m calling dibs on any cool dreidels…2011-12-20 23:00:43
I’m about to get my first-ever professional massage…I find it strange that this, of all things, makes me nervous… Heh2011-12-21 17:53:55
RT @anildash: Would it be possible to amend the GPL so that any entity which files a SOPA shutdown request loses its right to use apps w …2011-12-21 18:00:51
The massage was relaxing, although I have to ponder the cost-to-benefit of what amounts to frivolity…now to ruin it with hopeless study…2011-12-21 19:55:09
I love hearing somebody that is entirely full of shit philosophizing loudly in a coffee shop…2011-12-21 21:14:42
Yeah, even if that’s what it’s out of… I have a shit score…I have a 74. I might be re-taking this course :(2011-12-22 02:00:49
RT @JackieKessler: Speaker Cuts Off C-SPAN Cameras When Dems Attempt To Bring Vote On Payroll Tax Cut via @thinkpro …2011-12-22 02:41:25
Well, I’m 90% sure I flunked one class…2 for 2 by tomorrow? *sigh* Not a good semester…2011-12-23 05:49:09
Fuck, now I need a new strategy! @robdelaney My “social media strategy” is to routinely say the word “cunt” on a glorified message board.2011-12-23 15:26:10
The sunrise on this Christmas Eve morning is pretty awesome. Well done, Ohio…well done.2011-12-24 12:30:28
RT @madebycori: When a 1st grade girl is taunted for her
‘boyish’ look, her teacher begins breaking down gender roles in her class: htt …2011-12-24 22:01:20 -
He can! Nothing wrong there… RT @quizzicalpussy Why can’t a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly?2011-12-26 04:11:24
Levin and Stabenow voted yea…just sayin’ RT @newsycombinator Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA 15:53:30
“I will personally burn everything I’ve made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames.” 17:55:50
w/r/t the Penny Arcade quote/link, I agree 100% and I find myself thinking the same thing with alarming regularity…Fuck that bullying twat2011-12-28 17:58:34
Not sure I understand the outrage over Maher’s tweet…if you think your beliefs are above mockery, you fear that they can’t withstand jest.2011-12-28 21:00:08
RT @Penguicon: SMOS Dinner & Gaming,Thursday, January 5th, 2012 @i3Detroit 6 PM – 11 PM (rsvp helpful but not requ …2011-12-29 12:34:27
RT @wilw upon further reflection, I guess you *should* be a dick… #ScandalizeWilWithFakeRetweets2011-12-29 12:42:13