Upgrading to Windows 10

I upgraded to Windows 10 this weekend on the only Windows system I use, my gaming system. I had it on good authority that the games that I’ve been playing occasionally were well supported (pretty much Guild Wars II) and that it was an improvement over Windows 8 (which, unfortunately, came on my system and I was too lazy to downgrade it).

Overall, I’m pretty happy with it. They got rid of the fullscreen start menu replacement in favor of a much more user friendly option that is a natural extension of what they had right in Windows 7. There are, however, some pretty significant privacy concerns, so right off the bat I did the following (most of which I document here in case it’s not exhaustive and for later reference):

  1. Privacy Settings
    1. General: Turned all off
    2. Location: Limited to only those apps that I want to see my location
    3. Camera: Limited to only those apps that I want to have camera access
    4. Speech, etc: Turn off “Getting to Know You”
    5. Contacts: Turn off “App connector”
    6. Calendar: Turn off “App connector”
    7. Feedback: Set to “Always” and “Basic”
    8. Background Apps: Turn off all but apps I actively use and want running in the background (Twitter, Dropbox, etc)
  2. Wifi
    1. Wifi Sense: Turn off “Suggested” and “Contact” connection
  3. Cortana
    1. Turn off Cortana
    2. Turn off search suggestions
    3. Turn off popular news
  4. Edge
    1. Save passwords: off
    2. Save form entries: off
    3. Do Not Track request: on
    4. Search suggestions: off
    5. Block all cookies
    6. Media licenses: off
    7. Page prediction: off
    8. Set Chrome or Firefox as default browser then never open Edge again